ORS Chapter 470

Chapter 470 — SmallScale Local Energy Projects











470.050     Definitions






470.060     Applicationfor financing; content; fee


470.065     Confidentialityof information provided by or on behalf of applicant


470.070     SmallScale Local Energy Project Advisory Committee


470.080     Standardsfor small scale local energy projects; rules; review of applications; referralto committee; committee criteria


470.090     Approvalor rejection of project financing by director; certification of amount of loan;findings; notice


470.100     Committeereview of rejection or approval in different amount; committee appeal toGovernor; finality of Governor’s action


470.110     Giftscredited to Small Scale Local Energy Project Loan Fund


470.120     Limiton loan to amount not funded by other sources


470.130     Appropriationof Small Scale Local Energy Project Loan Fund


470.135     Administrationof small scale local energy project loan program funds and accounts


470.140     Rulemakingauthority; biennial report


470.145     StateDepartment of Energy to develop marketing plan


(Loansand Repayment)


470.150     Loancontract; security; content


470.155     Loancontract in form of intergovernmental agreement; provisions


470.160     Paymentfrom loan funds


470.170     Securityfor loan


470.180     Withholdingof state funds due to municipal corporation that defaults on loan


470.190     Remedies


470.200     Refinancingof project; use of funds


470.210     Municipalcorporation may enter into loan contract; purchase of municipal corporation’sgeneral or revenue obligation




470.220     Issuanceof bonds


470.225     Procedurefor bond issuance


470.230     Bondproceeds credited to Small Scale Local Energy Project Loan Fund; use of funds


470.240     Generalobligation bonds to include promise to pay principal amount


470.270     Generalobligation refunding bonds


470.280     Generalobligation bond repayment from sinking fund


470.290     Bondindebtedness limited to constitutional limit


470.300     SmallScale Local Energy Project Administration and Bond Sinking Fund; uses; sources


470.310     Procedureif sinking fund inadequate




(LoanProgram Administration)


470.500     Goals


470.505     Delayor suspension of program


470.510     StateDepartment of Energy may enter contracts for loan issuance; financing of loans;consent of utility


470.515     Rules


470.520     StateDepartment of Energy may contract for performance of duties


470.525     Quarterlyreport




470.530     Qualifications;duties; certification program; sustainable energy territories


470.535     Applicationsfor certification as project manager; selection factors


470.540     StateDepartment of Energy to notify unsuccessful applicants; timetable forcertification of project manager


470.545     Appealof certification decision; fee


470.550     Termof certification of project manager; certification approval letter; conditionsfor termination of certification


470.555     Investor-ownedelectric utilities and consumer-owned utilities as project managers; contractwith qualified third parties; coordination




470.560     Rules;certification standards; provision for preferred service providers


470.565     Loanapplicant request for energy savings projection; processing of loanapplications




470.570     EnergyProject Supplemental Fund; sources; uses


470.575     LoanOffset Grant Fund; sources; uses


470.580     EnergyProject Bond Loan Fund; sources; uses


470.585     EnergyRevenue Bond Repayment Fund; uses




470.590     Proposals;selection


470.595     Investmentwith financial manager; rate of return


(SupplementalCapital Funds)


470.600     StateDepartment of Energy may enter agreements to disburse supplemental capitalfunds; conditions




470.605     Localgovernments may direct moneys to certain funds to finance loans; accounting ofmoneys




470.610     Issuanceof bonds; written declaration of State Department of Energy


470.615     Paymentof bonds


470.620     Bondpledges; trustees




470.630     Formof disbursement; conditions for issuance


470.635     Requirementfor energy savings projection; form of projection; use of certified contractors


470.640     Amountof loans


470.645     Applicationfor loan; contents


470.650     Residentialsmall scale local energy projects; weatherization program




470.655     Projectinitiation fee; rules




470.660     Investor-ownedutilities; requirements of system; rules; waiver


470.665     Consumer-ownedutilities; requirements of system; rules; waiver


470.670     Repaymentrequirement for customer served by electric utility and gas utility


470.675     Costeligibility for ratemaking purposes; loan repayment charges; change in propertyownership benefited by loan


(Repaymentand Liens)


470.680     StateDepartment of Energy to identify forms of acceptable security


470.685     Recordingliens; foreclosure of liens; attorney fees and costs


470.690     Avoidanceof foreclosure


470.695     Saleof real property; notice of loan repayment charge required


(LoanOffset Grants)


470.700     Useof loan offset grant moneys; alternate mechanisms




470.710     Apprenticeshipand job training


470.715     Costsof adopting rules


(Temporaryprovisions relating to pilot programs, on-bill financing and delay of energyefficiency and sustainable technology loan program are compiled as notesfollowing ORS 470.715)




      470.050Definitions.As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:

      (1)“Alternative fuel project” means:

      (a)Equipment, including vehicles that are not used primarily for personal, familyor household purposes, that is modified or acquired directly from a factory andthat:

      (A)Uses an alternative fuel including electricity, biofuel, gasohol with at least20 percent denatured alcohol content, hydrogen, hythane, methane, methanol,natural gas, propane or any other fuel approved by the Director of the StateDepartment of Energy; and

      (B)Produces lower exhaust emissions or is more energy efficient than equivalentequipment fueled by gasoline or diesel; and

      (b)A facility, including a fueling station, or equipment necessary to producealternative fuel or operate equipment that uses an alternative fuel.

      (2)“Applicant” means an applicant for a loan to construct a small scale localenergy project.

      (3)“Base efficiency package” means the package of energy efficiency upgrades orrenewable energy projects for a property that, when ene