ORS Chapter 450
Chapter 450 — SanitaryDistricts and Authorities; Water Authorities
450.005 Definitionsfor ORS 450.005 to 450.245
450.009 Formationpurposes; petition
450.045 Boardmembers; qualifications; first terms
(Officersand Elections)
450.055 Boardofficers; term; vacancy
450.059 Electionlaws applicable
450.062 Increaseof board membership from three to five members; election
450.065 Electionof president; appointment, duties and compensation of secretary
450.070 Meetingsof board
450.075 Powersof sanitary district
450.080 Signatureson contracts and other documents
450.082 Districtmay contract for employee health care services or insurance
450.084 Paymentfor services or insurance by district
450.085 Adoptionof regulations and ordinances
450.090 Depositof district funds; contents of withdrawal or payment order
450.095 Bondelection
450.110 Districtbonds; denomination; place of payment; interest
450.115 Useof proceeds of bond sale
450.120 Debtlimitations
450.125 Paymentof bonds; issuance of improvement bonds
450.130 Sewerservice charges; collection and enforcement
450.135 Ordinancedeclaring method of payment
450.140 Assessmentordinance
450.145 Entryof assessments in lien docket; lien docket as public record
450.150 Hearingof objections to proposed improvements
450.160 Collectionand enforcement of delinquent liens; reassessment
450.165 Preparationand approval of plans for drains and sewer installations
450.170 Levyof taxes
450.175 Collectionof taxes
450.177 Filingboundary change with county assessor and Department of Revenue
450.215 Plansfor division and disposal of properties
450.225 Effectivedate of annexation; disposition of properties in territory; liabilities andindebtedness of territory; filing of report
450.245 Applicationof ORS 450.005 to 450.245 to districts organized under former laws; savingsclause
(DistrictsWith Valuation Less Than $250,000)
450.250 Definitionsfor ORS 450.250 to 450.300
450.255 Districtseligible for state help in financing sewerage systems
450.260 Conditionsprecedent to financing application
450.265 Bondsissued by district pursuant to ORS 450.250 to 450.300 are subject to StateTreasurer control; refunding bonds issuable
450.270 Powersof State Treasurer in connection with ORS 450.250 to 450.300
450.275 StateTreasurer approval of other bond issues by district whose bonds are owned bystate
450.280 Circumstancesand conditions under which State Treasurer may purchase sewerage system bonds
450.285 StateSanitary District Sewer Bond Fund
450.290 Provisionsconcerning liquidation of indebtedness incurred by district financing seweragesystem under ORS 450.250 to 450.300
450.295 Refinancingindebtedness of district; court-appointed receiver may operate system
450.300 Dutyof treasurer to keep funds separate and to withhold tax receipts for bondpayments; liability of treasurer
(SanitaryDistrict Sewerage System Revolving Fund)
450.303 Purchaseof general obligation bonds of sanitary districts; Sanitary District SewerageSystem Revolving Fund
450.600 Jointauthorities; formation; election of directors upon formation; first terms
450.605 Formationof joint authority by consolidation; transfer of property, rights and powers toconsolidated authority
450.607 Formationof joint authority that includes city or district by consolidation; formationwithin urban growth boundary; transfer of property to consolidated authority
450.610 Initiationof proceedings for consolidation; resolution by governing bodies
450.615 Contentsof resolution; debt distribution plan; dissolution of existing entities
450.620 Assemblyof governing bodies; order for election on consolidation
450.625 Electionresult; certification
450.630 Jointmeeting of governing bodies after approval of consolidation; declaration ofconsolidation; election of board
450.635 Boardof directors of joint authority; number; terms; qualifications
450.640 Powersof joint authority; issuance of revenue bonds
450.645 Electionlaws applicable
450.650 Boardof directors; terms; qualifications
450.655 Methodsof election of authority directors
450.658 Electionof directors; terms
450.660 Waterauthority formation
450.665 Formationof authorities under special districts law
450.675 Formationof authorities from areas within one or more counties
450.680 Formationof authorities by cities and water districts
450.685 Applicationof certain provisions to authorities
450.690 Publicbody; authority to issue revenue bonds
450.693 Servicesto other local governments authorized
450.695 Acquisitionof water rights; effect on priority of rights
450.700 Acquisitionof water rights; effect on prior rights
450.705 Policy;construction
450.710 Definitionsfor ORS 450.600 to 450.989
450.715 Areaswhich may be formed into sanitary authorities
450.722 Formationof water or sanitary authority may include dissolution of certain existingdistricts
450.785 Initiationof formation of sanitary authority by governing body without petition
450.787 Formationof authorities by cities and sanitary or drainage districts
450.788 Lawapplicable to dissolution of authority
(Boardand Elections)
450.790 Sanitaryauthority board
450.793 Electionlaws applicable
450.795 Nominationand election of first board members; terms
450.800 Regularand special elections; terms of members; vacancies
450.806 Generalpowers of board; selection of board chairperson; appointment of authoritymanager
450.808 Generalduties of authority manager