ORS Chapter 381

Chapter 381 — InterstateBridges











381.005     Construction,acquisition and maintenance of Columbia River bridges


381.010     Agreementsfor carrying out powers


381.015     Requirementsfor request for proposals or invitation to bid; contents of agreement


381.020     Usingfunds available for bridge expenses; reimbursement


381.075     Bridge,connecting road and approaches as state highway


381.080     ORS381.005 to 381.075 as cumulative


381.096     Construction,acquisition and maintenance of Snake River bridges


381.098     Agreementsfor carrying out powers granted by ORS 381.096


381.100     Requirementsfor request for proposals or invitation to bid; contents of agreement




381.205     Construction,acquisition and maintenance of interstate bridges by counties, cities, townsand ports


381.210     Agreementsfor carrying out powers of counties, cities, towns and ports


381.215     Independentor cooperative action


381.220     Contentsof agreement


381.225     Usingfunds available to public body for bridge expenses


381.227     Employmentand compensation of attorneys


381.230     Usingbond proceeds for bridge expenses; security


381.235     Formalrequirements and conditions of bonds


381.237     Issuanceof refunding revenue bonds


381.239     Revenuebonds and refunding revenue bonds are negotiable instruments; not deemedgeneral obligations of issuer


381.240     Incurringindebtedness for bridge expenses; issuing voted bonds


381.245     Paymentof bond principal and interest with bridge tolls


381.250     Acceptanceof funds from United States and gifts


381.255     Selectionof bridge sites


381.260     Plansand specifications for bridge construction


381.265     Provisionin bridge plans for rail traffic; contracting with railroad companies


381.270     Bidsfor bridge construction


381.275     Contractsmade in name of authority authorizing work


381.280     Bondrequired with certain contracts


381.285     Powerto exercise eminent domain


381.290     Operationof bridge as free or toll bridge


381.295     Bridge,connecting road and approaches as state highway


381.300     Acquisitionand operation of interstate ferry by bridge authority


381.302     Acquiringand operating interstate ferry by bridge authority as part of cost of acquiringinterstate bridge


381.305     Authorityconferred by ORS 381.205 to 381.300 is supplemental authority




381.405     “Construct,”“construction” and “county court” defined


381.410     Interstatebridges as permanent roads


381.415     Countiesgiven state power to construct bridges


381.420     Countyfinancing construction of interstate bridges


381.440     Bondelection; petition requirements; debt limitation


381.490     Countybonding committee


381.495     Dutiesand powers of bonding committee


381.500     Termsand conditions of bonds


381.505     Registeringbonds


381.510     Bondadvertisement and sale


381.515     Custodyand disbursement of bond proceeds


381.520     Taxto pay bond interest and principal




381.605     Cityconstruction, operation and financing of interstate bridges


381.611     Bondelection; petition requirements


381.615     Majorityvote required


381.635     Dutiesand powers of council


381.640     Termsand conditions of bonds


381.645     Registeringbonds


381.650     Bondadvertisement and sale


381.655     Custodyand disbursement of bond proceeds


381.660     Useof tolls to pay bonded indebtedness and bridge maintenance


381.665     Taxfor bridge expense not paid by tolls


381.670     Plansfor bridge construction; bids; awarding contract




      381.005Construction, acquisition and maintenance of Columbia River bridges. The Departmentof Transportation in the name of the state may construct, reconstruct, purchase,rent, lease or otherwise acquire, improve, operate and maintain bridges overthe Columbia River to the State of Washington.


      381.010Agreements for carrying out powers. For the purpose of carrying out orputting into effect the right, power and authority granted by ORS 381.005 to381.080 or any other law, the Department of Transportation in the name of thestate may make and enter into agreements with:

      (1)The Government of the United States or any of its agencies.

      (2)The State of Washington.

      (3)Any county, municipality, port or other political subdivisions or agencies ofthe State of Washington.

      (4)Any county, municipality, port or any other political subdivisions of thisstate.

      (5)Any persons, associations, corporations, domestic or foreign.


      381.015Requirements for request for proposals or invitation to bid; contents ofagreement.(1) A request for proposals or an invitation to bid issued in accordance withthe provisions of ORS 381.005 to 381.080 at a minimum must:

      (a)Require the proposer or bidder to comply with the requirements of ORS chapters279A, 279B and 279C and other applicable laws related to environmentalprotection, worker health and safety and employment of apprentices; and

      (b)State that the contracting agency will give a preference to procuring products,materials and components that are fabricated within the boundaries of thisstate or the State of Washington to the maximum extent feasible and practicableand taking into consideration:

      (A)Applicable state and federal law;

      (B)Whether in fabricating the products, materials and components a proposer orbidder can recycle materials or use recycled materials;

      (C)Whether the sites at which the products, materials or components are fabricatedare in close proximity to the bridge location; and

      (D)Whether transportation costs and other conveniences favor or disfavor usingproducts, materials and components manufactured in this state or the State ofWashington.

      (2)An agreement made or contract entered into pursuant to the authority of ORS381.005 to 381.080 shall, among other things, contain express provisions withrespect to:

      (a)The site of the bridge.

      (b)The maximum financial obligation assumed by each of the contracting parties.

      (c)The estimated cost of the structure with the structure’s approaches andconnecting roads.

      (d)The sources from which all the funds are to be obtained or derived.

      (e)Whether the bridge is to be operated free to the public or as toll bridge.

      (f)Any other appropriate matters or provisions consistent with the prudentprinciples of economy and good business. [Amended by 2009 c.375 §1]


      381.020Using funds available for bridge expenses; reimbursement. The Departmentof Transportation may pay out of state highway funds or any other funds availableto it any part of the cost of the construction, purchase, maintenance,operation, repair, reconstruction and improvement of any bridge mentioned inORS 381.005 assessed and allocated to this state. In the event the bridge isoperated as a toll bridge, then the share of toll revenues accruing to thisstate shall be applied by the department to reimburse the state highway fundsfor expenditures made in connection with the bridge.


      381.025 [Repealed by2007 c.531 §19]


      381.030 [Repealed by2007 c.531 §19]


      381.035 [Repealed by2007 c.531 §19]


      381.040 [Repealed by2007 c.531 §19]


      381.045 [Repealed by2007 c.531 §19]


      381.050 [Repealed by1975 c.771 §33]


      381.055 [Repealed by1969 c.197 §1]


      381.060 [Repealed by1975 c.771 §33]


      381.065 [Amended by1971 c.741 §27; repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]


      381.070 [Repealed by2007 c.531 §19]


      381.075Bridge, connecting road and approaches as state highway. The connectingroad and approaches to any bridge mentioned in ORS 381.005, on the Oregon sideof the Columbia River, together with the bridge to the center of the channel ofthe river, shall be part of the Oregon state highway system and shall be sodeclared and designated by the Department of Transportation by an appropriateresolution duly adopted and entered in the minutes and records of thedepartment.


      381.080ORS 381.005 to 381.075 as cumulative. The authority conferred by ORS 381.005to 381.075 is cumulative and in addition and supplemental to the authorityconferred by any other law.


      381.085 [Repealed by1953 c.389 §7]


      381.086 [1953 c.389 §1;repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]


      381.088 [1953 c.389 §2;1987 c.447 §123; repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]


      381.090 [1953 c.389 §3;repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]


      381.092 [1953 c.389 §4;repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]


      381.094 [1953 c.389 §5;repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]


      381.096Construction, acquisition and maintenance of Snake River bridges. The Departmentof Transportation in the name of the state may construct, reconstruct,purchase, rent, lease or otherwise acquire, improve, operate and maintainbridges over the Snake River into the State of Idaho, and may acquire any realproperty necessary for any such bridge, together with approaches and connectingroads, on both sides of the river. [1955 c.85 §1]


      381.098Agreements for carrying out powers granted by ORS 381.096. For the purposeof carrying out or putting into effect the right, power and authority grantedby ORS 381.096 or any other law, the Department of Transportation in the nameof the state may make and enter into agreements with:

      (1)The Government of the United States or any of its agencies.

      (2)The State of Idaho.

      (3)Any county, municipality, port or other political subdivisions or agencies ofthe State of Idaho.

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