ORS Chapter 36

Chapter 36 — Mediationand Arbitration













36.100       Policyfor ORS 36.100 to 36.238


36.105       Declarationof purpose of ORS 36.100 to 36.238


36.110       Definitionsfor ORS 36.100 to 36.238


(DisputeResolution Programs)


36.135       Reviewof dispute resolution programs; suspension or termination of funding


36.145       DisputeResolution Account


36.150       Additionalfunding


36.155       Grantsfor dispute resolution services in counties; rules


36.160       Participationby counties; notice; contents; effect of failure to give notice


36.165       Terminationof county participation


36.170       Surchargeon appearance fees




36.175       Rulesfor administration of dispute resolution programs


(DisputeResolution for Public Bodies)


36.179       Mediationand other alternative dispute resolution services for public bodies


(Mediationin Civil Cases)


36.185       Referralof civil dispute to mediation; objection; information to parties


36.190       Stipulationto mediation; selection of mediator; stay of proceedings


36.195       Presenceof attorney; authority and duties of mediator; notice to court at completion ofmediation


36.200       Mediationpanels; qualification; procedure for selecting mediator


(Liabilityof Mediators and Programs)


36.210       Liabilityof mediators and programs


(Confidentialityof Mediation Communications and Agreements)


36.220       Confidentialityof mediation communications and agreements; exceptions


36.222       Admissibilityand disclosure of mediation communications and agreements in subsequentadjudicatory proceedings


36.224       Stateagencies; confidentiality of mediation communications; rules


36.226       Publicbodies other than state agencies; confidentiality of mediation communications


36.228       Mediationsin which two or more public bodies are parties


36.230       Publicbodies; confidentiality of mediation agreements


36.232       Disclosuresallowed for reporting, research, training and educational purposes


36.234       Partiesto mediation


36.236       Effecton other laws


36.238       Applicationof ORS 36.210 and 36.220 to 36.238




36.250       Definitionsfor ORS 36.250 to 36.270


36.252       Directorof Agriculture or designee to serve as agricultural mediation service coordinator;rules


36.254       Contractsfor mediation services


36.256       Requestfor mediation services; eligibility; form of request; response


36.258       Qualification,duties and authority of mediator


36.260       Mediationagreement; effect of agreement


36.262       Confidentialityof mediation materials


36.264       Civilimmunity for mediators and mediation services


36.266       Suspensionof court proceedings during mediation; dismissal of action


36.268       Provisionof mediation services contingent on funding


36.270       Utilizationof mediation program for other disputes




36.400       Mandatoryarbitration programs


36.405       Referralto mandatory arbitration; exemptions


36.410       Stipulationfor arbitration; conditions; relief


36.415       Arbitrationafter waiver of amount of claim exceeding $50,000; motion for referral toarbitration


36.420       Noticeof arbitration hearing; open proceeding; compensation and expenses


36.425       Filingof decision and award; notice of appeal; trial de novo; attorney fees andcosts; effect of arbitration decision and award




36.450       Definitionsfor ORS 36.450 to 36.558


36.452       Policy


36.454       Applicationof ORS 36.450 to 36.558; when arbitration or conciliation agreement isinternational; validity of written agreements


36.456       Constructionof ORS 36.450 to 36.558


36.458       Whenwritten communication considered to have been received


36.460       Waiverof objection to arbitration


36.462       Prohibitionon intervention by court


36.464       Venue


36.466       Arbitrationagreements to be in writing


36.468       Applicationto stay judicial proceedings and compel arbitration


36.470       Interimjudicial relief; factors considered by court; determination of arbitraltribunal’s jurisdiction


36.472       Numberof arbitrators


36.474       Procedurefor appointment of arbitrators; appointment by circuit court


36.476       Disclosureby proposed arbitrators and conciliators; waiver of disclosure; grounds forchallenge


36.478       Procedurefor challenging arbitrator


36.480       Withdrawalof arbitrator; termination of mandate


36.482       Substitutearbitrator; effect of substitution


36.484       Arbitraltribunal may rule on own jurisdiction; time for raising issue of jurisdiction;review by circuit court


36.486       Interimmeasures of protection ordered by arbitral tribunal; security


36.488       Fairnessin proceedings


36.490       Proceduressubject to agreement by parties; procedure in absence of agreement


36.492       Placeof arbitration


36.494       Commencementof arbitral proceedings


36.496       Languageused in proceedings


36.498       Contentsof statements by claimant and respondent; amendment or supplement


36.500       Oralhearing; notice; discovery


36.502       Effectof failure to make required statement or to appear at oral hearing


36.504       Appointmentof experts


36.506       Circuitcourt assistance in taking evidence; circuit court authorized to enter certainorders upon application


36.508       Choiceof laws


36.510       Decisionof arbitral tribunal


36.512       Settlement


36.514       Arbitralaward; contents; interim award; award for costs of arbitration


36.516       Terminationof arbitral proceedings


36.518       Correctionof errors in award; interpretation of award; additional award


36.520       Settingaside award; grounds; time for application; circuit court fees


36.522       Enforcementof award; procedure; fee; entry of judgment


36.524       Groundsfor refusal to enforce award; fee


36.526       Provisionsto be interpreted in good faith


36.528       Policyto encourage conciliation


36.530       Guidingprinciples of conciliators


36.532       Mannerof conducting conciliation proceedings


36.534       Draftconciliation settlement