Chapter 925: MARKETING
- 925.01 Production, processing, maintenance and sale of shell eggs definitions.
- 925.02 Standards, grades, weight classes for shell eggs.
- 925.021 Egg container labels.
- 925.022 Sale of shell eggs from bulk lot.
- 925.023 Advertising eggs.
- 925.024 Terms used in sale of eggs.
- 925.025 Terms used suggesting federal grading.
- 925.03 Maintaining shell eggs in refrigeration.
- 925.04 Records of date of processing of shell eggs.
- 925.05 Enforcement - evidence.
- 925.06 Administrative rules.
- 925.07 Right of entry for inspection of premises.
- 925.08 Violations prohibited.
- 925.09 Restraining order against violation.
- 925.10 Exempted producers.
- 925.11 Crediting of fines.
- 925.12 Payment of receipts of prosecutions into general revenue fund.
- 925.13 Collection of unpaid fines.
- 925.14 Amended and Renumbered RC 3715.03.
- 925.21 Containers for fresh fruits and vegetables definitions.
- 925.22 Content of labels on containers.
- 925.23 Markings of containers.
- 925.24 Markings on used containers.
- 925.25 False representation of contents.
- 925.26 Adoption of federal grades.
- 925.27 Exceptions.
- 925.28 Culls to be so labeled.
- 925.29 False or misleading statement of quality or quantity.
- 925.30 Notice of detention of container not properly marked.
- 925.31 Enforcement.
- 925.32 Fines collected paid into general revenue funds.
- 925.33 [Repealed].
- 925.34 Amended and Renumbered RC 925.31.
- 925.41 to 925.44 [Repealed].
- 925.45, 925.46 Amended and Renumbered RC 925.26, 925.28.
- 925.48, 925.48 [Repealed].
- 925.49 Amended and Renumbered RC 925.32.
- 925.50 [Repealed].
- 925.51 Prepackaging at retail store level definitions.
- 925.52 Marking of fresh fruit and vegetable containers.
- 925.53 Misbranding fresh fruit and vegetable containers.
- 925.54 Additional grades and regulations for sale of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- 925.55 False representation of contents of fresh fruit and vegetable containers.
- 925.56 Federal grades to be applied.
- 925.57 Examination of establishments where packaging and sale occurs.
- 925.58 Tagging misbranded article.
- 925.59 Certificates of inspection prima facie evidence.
- 925.60 Fines paid to general revenue fund.
- 925.61 Cucumber grades and standards.
- 925.62 Dying rabbits and chicks.
- 925.99 Penalty.