715.011 Leasing power.
715.011 Leasing power.
Each municipal corporation may lease for a period not to exceed forty years, pursuant to a contract providing for the construction thereof under a lease-purchase plan, buildings, structures, and other improvements for any authorized municipal purpose, and in conjunction therewith, may grant leases, easements, or licenses for lands under the control of the municipal corporation for a period not to exceed forty years. The lease shall provide that at the end of the lease period the buildings, structures, and related improvements together with the land on which they are situate shall become the property of the municipal corporation without cost.
Whenever any building, structure, or other improvement is to be so leased by a municipal corporation, the appropriate contracting officer of the municipal corporation shall file with the clerk of the council such basic plans, specifications, bills of materials, and estimates of cost with sufficient detail to afford bidders all needed information, or alternatively, shall file the following plans, details, bills of materials, and specifications:
(A) Full and accurate plans, suitable for the use of mechanics and other builders in such construction, improvement, addition, alteration, or installation;
(B) Details to scale and full sized, so drawn and represented as to be easily understood;
(C) Accurate bills showing the exact quantity of different kinds of material necessary to the construction;
(D) Definite and complete specifications of the work to be performed, together with such directions as will enable a competent mechanic or other builder to carry them out and afford bidders all needed information;
(E) A full and accurate estimate of each item of expense and of the aggregate cost thereof.
The council of the municipal corporation shall give public notice, in the newspaper and in the form and with the phraseology as the council orders, published once each week for four consecutive weeks, of the time and place, when and where bids will be received for entering into an agreement to lease to the municipal corporation a building, structure, or other improvement, the last publication to be at least eight days preceding the day for opening the bids. The bids shall contain the terms upon which the builder would propose to lease the building, structure, or other improvement to the municipal corporation. The form of the bid approved by the council of the municipal corporation shall be used and a bid shall be invalid and not considered unless such form is used without change, alteration, or addition. Before submitting bids pursuant to this section, any builder shall have complied with sections 153.50 to 153.52 of the Revised Code.
On the day and at the place named for receiving bids for entering into lease agreements with the municipal corporation, the appropriate contracting officer of the municipal corporation shall open the bids, and shall publicly proceed immediately to tabulate the bids upon triplicate sheets, one of each of which sheets shall be filed with the clerk of the council. No lease agreement shall be entered into until the bureau of workers’ compensation has certified that the corporation, partnership, or person to be awarded the lease agreement has complied with Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code, and until, if the builder submitting the lowest and best bid is a foreign corporation, the secretary of state has certified that the corporation is authorized to do business in this state, and until, if the builder submitting the lowest and best bid is a person or partnership nonresident of this state, the person or partnership has filed with the secretary of state a power of attorney designating the secretary of state as its agent for the purpose of accepting service of summons in any action brought under Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code, and until the agreement is submitted to the village solicitor or city director of law of the municipal corporation and his approval certified thereon. Within thirty days after the day on which the bids are received, the council shall investigate the bids received and shall determine that the bureau and the secretary of state have made the certifications required by this section of the builder who has submitted the lowest and best bid. Within ten days of the completion of the investigation of the bids the council may award the lease agreement to the builder who has submitted the lowest and best bid and who has been certified by the bureau and secretary of state as required by this section. If bidding for the lease agreement has been conducted upon the basis of basic plans, specifications, bills of materials, and estimates of costs, upon the award to the builder, the council, or the builder with the approval of the council, shall appoint an architect or engineer licensed in this state to prepare such further detailed plans, specifications, and bills of materials as are required to construct the building, structure, or improvement.
The council may reject any bid. Where there is reason to believe there is collusion or combination among bidders, the bids of those concerned therein shall be rejected.
Effective Date: 11-03-1989