5727.50 Valuation if no report or erroneous information reported.
5727.50 Valuation if no report or erroneous information reported.
If any public utility fails to make any report to the tax commissioner required by law, or makes such report and fails to report or reports erroneously any information essential to the determination of any amount, value, proportion, or other fact to be determined by the commissioner pursuant to law, which is necessary for the fixing of any fee, tax, or assessment, the commissioner shall determine such amount, value, proportion, or other fact and shall certify the same as required by law. Such power and duty of the commissioner shall extend only to the five years next preceding the year in which such inquiry is made. Upon the determination and certification by the commissioner, a tax, fee, or assessment shall be charged for collection from such public utility at the rate provided by law for the years when such tax, fee, or assessment was omitted, or erroneously charged so that the total tax, fee, or assessment paid and to be paid for such years shall be in the full amount chargeable to such public utility by law. Such charge shall be without prejudice to the collection of any penalty authorized by law.
This section shall not apply to sections 5727.24 to 5727.29 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 09-29-1999