5521.011 New highway locations.
5521.011 New highway locations.
In determining new highway locations the director shall consider the following factors, wherever applicable, and include such considerations in the record of his proceedings: national defense; economic activity; employment; open spaces; existing park lands; recreation; fire protection; esthetics; public utilities; safety; residential character and location; religious institutions and practices; rights and freedoms of individuals; conduct and financing of government; conservation; property values; replacement housing; education and disruption of school district operations; specific numbers of families and business displaced; engineering, right-of-way, and construction costs for proposed highway facilities and related transportation facilities; maintenance of highway facilities and other transportation facilities; use of highways and other transportation facilities, and user costs; and operation of highway facilities and other transportation facilities during construction and following completion.
Documentation should cover the consideration given to each determinant, including a statement as to which were not considered significant as between alternatives.
Effective Date: 11-24-1967