5309.41 Canceled instruments shall be preserved.
5309.41 Canceled instruments shall be preserved.
In all cases in which a certificate of title, or any other instrument or memorandum affecting registered land, is wholly canceled, it shall be retained by the county recorder and filed in his office under its proper file number and carefully preserved.
In all cases where the land described in a certificate of title is only partially transferred, the recorder shall issue a new certificate of title to the registered owner, for the part of the land not transferred, and shall indorse on the registered certificate and on the duplicate certificate surrendered, a memorial canceling the same, and the reasons therefor, giving the volume and folium of the register where the new title is registered, and the number of the new certificate. The recorder may cancel the property or estate transferred on the registered and duplicate certificates of the transferor without the issue of a new certificate to the transferor for the residue.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953