5121.04 Investigating financial condition of patients or residents and relatives.

5121.04 Investigating financial condition of patients or residents and relatives.

(A) The department of developmental disabilities shall investigate the financial condition of the residents in institutions, residents whose care or treatment is being paid for in a private facility or home under the control of the department, and of the relatives named in section 5121.06 of the Revised Code as liable for the support of such residents, in order to determine the ability of any resident or liable relatives to pay for the support of the resident and to provide suitable clothing as required by the superintendent of the institution.

(B) The department shall follow the provisions of this division in determining the ability to pay of a resident or the resident’s liable relatives and the amount to be charged such resident or liable relatives.

(1) Subject to divisions (B)(10) and (11) of this section, a resident without dependents shall be liable for the full applicable cost. A resident without dependents who has a gross annual income equal to or exceeding the sum of the full applicable cost, plus fifty dollars per month, regardless of the source of such income, shall pay currently the full amount of the applicable cost; if the resident’s gross annual income is less than such sum, not more than fifty dollars per month shall be kept for personal use by or on behalf of the resident, except as permitted in the state plan for providing medical assistance under Title XIX of the “Social Security Act,” 49 Stat. 620 (1935), 42 U.S.C. 301, as amended, and the balance shall be paid currently on the resident’s support. Subject to divisions (B)(10) and (11) of this section, the estate of a resident without dependents shall pay currently any remaining difference between the applicable cost and the amounts prescribed in this section, or shall execute an agreement with the department for payment to be made at some future date under terms suitable to the department. However, no security interest, mortgage, or lien shall be taken, granted, or charged against any principal residence of a resident without dependents under an agreement or otherwise to secure support payments, and no foreclosure actions shall be taken on security interests, mortgages, or liens taken, granted, or charged against principal residences of residents prior to October 7, 1977.

(2) The ability to pay of a resident with dependents, or of a liable relative of a resident either with or without dependents, shall be determined in accordance with the resident’s or liable relative’s income or other assets, the needs of others who are dependent on such income and other assets for support, and, if applicable, divisions (B)(10) and (11) of this section.

For the first thirty days of care and treatment of each admission, but in no event for more than thirty days in any calendar year, the resident with dependents or the liable relative of a resident either with or without dependents shall be charged an amount equal to the percentage of the average applicable cost determined in accordance with the schedule of adjusted gross annual income contained after this paragraph. After such first thirty days of care and treatment, such resident or such liable relative shall be charged an amount equal to the percentage of a base support rate of four dollars per day for residents, as determined in accordance with the schedule of gross annual income contained after this paragraph, or in accordance with division (B)(5) of this section. Beginning January 1, 1978, the department shall increase the base rate when the consumer price index average is more than 4.0 for the preceding calendar year by not more than the average for such calendar year.

Adjusted Gross Annual

Income of Resident

or Liable Relative (FN a) Number of Dependents (FN b)

8 or

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 more

Rate of Support (In Percentages)

$15,000 or less — — — — — — — —

15,001 to 17,500 20 — — — — — — —

17,501 to 20,000 25 20 — — — — — —

20,001 to 21,000 30 25 20 — — — — —

21,001 to 22,000 35 30 25 20 — — — —

22,001 to 23,000 40 35 30 25 20 — — —

23,001 to 24,000 45 40 35 30 25 20 — —

24,001 to 25,000 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 —

25,001 to 26,000 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20

26,001 to 27,000 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25

27,001 to 28,000 70 60 55 50 45 40 35 30

28,001 to 30,000 80 70 60 55 50 45 40 35

30,001 to 40,000 90 80 70 60 55 50 45 40

40,001 and over 100 90 80 70 60 55 50 45

Footnote a. The resident or relative shall furnish a copy of the resident’s or relative’s federal income tax return as evidence of gross annual income.

Footnote b. The number of dependents includes the liable relative but excludes a resident in an institution. “Dependent” includes any person who receives more than half the person’s support from the resident or the resident’s liable relative.

(3) A resident or liable relative having medical, funeral, or related expenses in excess of four per cent of the adjusted gross annual income, which expenses were not covered by insurance, may adjust such gross annual income by reducing the adjusted gross annual income by the full amount of such expenses. Proof of such expenses satisfactory to the department must be furnished.

(4) Additional dependencies may be claimed if:

(a) The liable relative is blind;

(b) The liable relative is over sixty-five;

(c) A child is a college student with expenses in excess of fifty dollars per month;

(d) The services of a housekeeper, costing in excess of fifty dollars per month, are required if the person who normally keeps house for minor children is the resident.

(5) If with respect to any resident with dependents there is chargeable under division (B)(2) of this section less than fifty per cent of the applicable cost or, if the base support rate was used, less than fifty per cent of the amount determined by use of the base support rate, and if with respect to such resident there is a liable relative who has an estate having a value in excess of fifteen thousand dollars or if such resident has a dependent and an estate having a value in excess of fifteen thousand dollars, there shall be paid with respect to such resident a total of fifty per cent of the applicable cost or the base support rate amount, as the case may be, on a current basis or there shall be executed with respect to such resident an agreement with the department for payment to be made at some future date under terms suitable to the department.

(6) When a person has been a resident for fifteen years and the support charges for which a relative is liable have been paid for the fifteen-year period, the liable relative shall be relieved of any further support charges.

(7) The department shall accept voluntary payments from residents or liable relatives whose incomes are below the minimum shown in the schedule set forth in this division. The department also shall accept voluntary payments in excess of required amounts from both liable and nonliable relatives.

(8) If a resident is covered by an insurance policy, or other contract that provides for payment of expenses for care and treatment for mental retardation or other developmental disability at or from an institution or facility (including a community service unit under the jurisdiction of the department), the other provisions of this section, except divisions (B)(8), (10), and (11) of this section, and of section 5121.01 of the Revised Code shall be suspended to the extent that such insurance policy or other contract is in force, and such resident shall be charged the full amount of the applicable cost. Any insurance carrier or other third party payor providing coverage for such care and treatment shall pay for this support obligation in an amount equal to the lesser of either the applicable cost or the benefits provided under the policy or other contract. Whether or not an insured, owner of, or other person having an interest in such policy or other contract is liable for support payments under other provisions of this chapter, the insured, policy owner, or other person shall assign payment directly to the department of all assignable benefits under the policy or other contract and shall pay over to the department, within ten days of receipt, all insurance or other benefits received as reimbursement or payment for expenses incurred by the resident or for any other reason. If the insured, policy owner, or other person refuses to assign such payment to the department or refuses to pay such received reimbursements or payments over to the department within ten days of receipt, the insured’s, policy owners’, or other person’s total liability for the services equals the applicable statutory liability for payment for the services as determined under other provisions of this chapter, plus the amounts payable under the terms of the policy or other contract. In no event shall this total liability exceed the full amount of the applicable cost. Upon its request, the department is entitled to a court order that compels the insured, owner of, or other person having an interest in the policy or other contract to comply with the assignment requirements of this division or that itself serves as a legally sufficient assignment in compliance with such requirements. Notwithstanding section 5123.89 of the Revised Code and any other law relating to confidentiality of records, the managing officer of the institution or facility where a person is or has been a resident shall disclose pertinent medical information concerning the resident to the insurance carrier or other third party payor in question, in order to effect collection from the carrier or payor of the state’s claim for care and treatment under this division. For such disclosure, the managing officer is not subject to any civil or criminal liability.

(9) The rate to be charged for pre-admission care, after-care, day-care, or routine consultation and treatment services shall be based upon the ability of the resident or the resident’s liable relatives to pay. When it is determined by the department that a charge shall be made, such charge shall be computed as provided in divisions (B)(1) and (2) of this section.

(10) If a resident with or without dependents is the beneficiary of a trust created pursuant to section 5815.28 of the Revised Code, then, notwithstanding any contrary provision of this chapter or of a rule adopted pursuant to this chapter, divisions (C) and (D) of that section shall apply in determining the assets or resources of the resident, the resident’s estate, the settlor, or the settlor’s estate and to claims arising under this chapter against the resident, the resident’s estate, the settlor, or the settlor’s estate.

(11) If the department waives the liability of an individual and the individual’s liable relatives pursuant to section 5123.194 of the Revised Code, the liability of the individual and relative ceases in accordance with the waiver’s terms.

(C) The department may enter into agreements with a resident or a liable relative for support payments to be made in the future. However, no security interest, mortgage, or lien shall be taken, granted, or charged against any principal family residence of a resident with dependents or a liable relative under an agreement or otherwise to secure support payments, and no foreclosure actions shall be taken on security interests, mortgages or liens taken, granted, or charged against principal residences of residents or liable relatives prior to October 7, 1977.

(D) The department shall make all investigations and determinations required by this section within ninety days after a resident is admitted to an institution under the department’s control and immediately shall notify by mail the persons liable of the amount to be charged.

(E) All actions to enforce the collection of payments agreed upon or charged by the department shall be commenced within six years after the date of default of an agreement to pay support charges or the date such payment becomes delinquent. If a payment is made pursuant to an agreement which is in default, a new six-year period for actions to enforce the collection of payments under such agreement shall be computed from the date of such payment. For purposes of this division an agreement is in default or a payment is delinquent if a payment is not made within thirty days after it is incurred or a payment, pursuant to an agreement, is not made within thirty days after the date specified for such payment. In all actions to enforce the collection of payment for the liability for support, every court of record shall receive into evidence the proof of claim made by the state together with all debts and credits, and it shall be prima-facie evidence of the facts contained in it.

Amended by 128th General Assembly ch. 7, SB 79, § 1, eff. 10/6/2009.

Effective Date: 10-26-2001; 01-01-2006; 01-01-2007