Chapter 5104: CHILD DAY-CARE
- 5104.01 Child day-care definitions.
- 5104.011 Adoption of rules.
- 5104.012 Criminal records check.
- 5104.013 Criminal records check of owner or administrator.
- 5104.014 Rules for children with short-term illnesses and other temporary medical conditions.
- 5104.015 Prohibiting smoking.
- 5104.02 License required.
- 5104.021 Exemption of youth development programs.
- 5104.022 Licensing of foster homes as family day care homes.
- 5104.03 Application for and renewal of license.
- 5104.04 Investigating, inspecting, and licensing procedures established.
- 5104.041 Type A and B family day-care home requirements.
- 5104.05 Requirements for building, fire prevention, and food service.
- 5104.051 Responsibility for inspections.
- 5104.052 Fire prevention and fire safety in certified type B family day-care homes.
- 5104.053 Inspecting uncertified type B homes.
- 5104.054 Zoning for type B family day-care home.
- 5104.06 Providing consultation and technical assistance.
- 5104.061 [Repealed].
- 5104.07 Additional requirements for licensing child day-care centers or type A family day-care homes that provide publicly funded child day-care.
- 5104.08 Day-care advisory council.
- 5104.081 Management of day-care functions.
- 5104.09 Disqualification as day-care provider or employee.
- 5104.10 Whistleblower protection.
- 5104.11 Certification of type B family day-care home to provide publicly funded child day-care.
- 5104.12 Certification of in-home aides to provide publicly funded child day-care.
- 5104.13 Publishing state statutes and rules governing certification of type B family day-care homes.
- 5104.20 Exempting park district and recreation district programs.
- 5104.21 Child day camp registration.
- 5104.22 Enabling approved child day camp to receive public moneys.
- 5104.30 Administration and coordination of federal and state funding for publicly funded child day-care.
- 5104.301 Parent cooperative child day-care centers and parent cooperative type A family day-care homes.
- 5104.31 Eligible providers of services for publicly funded child day-care.
- 5104.32 Provider contracts.
- 5104.33 Forms for eligibility determinations for publicly funded child day-care.
- 5104.34 Determination of eligibility.
- 5104.341 Validity of determination of eligibility.
- 5104.35 County department of job and family services - powers and duties.
- 5104.36 Record for each eligible child.
- 5104.37 Withholding and recovering money.
- 5104.38 Rules governing financial and administrative requirements for publicly funded child day-care.
- 5104.381 [Repealed].
- 5104.382 No contracts to person against whom finding for recovery has been issued.
- 5104.39 Monitoring anticipated future expenditures of county departments for publicly funded child day-care.
- 5104.40 Implementation of rules.
- 5104.41 Protective day-care for homeless children.
- 5104.42 Reimbursing county departments of job and family services for payments made to providers of publicly funded child day-care.
- 5104.43 Deposits into public assistance fund.
- 5104.44 Effect of child support default on license or certificate.
- 5104.99 Penalty.