5101.58 Right of recovery for cost of medical services and care.

5101.58 Right of recovery for cost of medical services and care.

(A) The acceptance of public assistance gives an automatic right of recovery to the department of job and family services and a county department of job and family services against the liability of a third party for the cost of medical assistance paid on behalf of the public assistance recipient or participant. When an action or claim is brought against a third party by a public assistance recipient or participant, any payment, settlement or compromise of the action or claim, or any court award or judgment, is subject to the recovery right of the department of job and family services or county department of job and family services. Except in the case of a recipient or participant who receives medical assistance through a managed care organization, the department’s or county department’s claim shall not exceed the amount of medical assistance paid by a department on behalf of the recipient or participant. A payment, settlement, compromise, judgment, or award that excludes the cost of medical assistance paid for by a department shall not preclude a department from enforcing its rights under this section.

(B) In the case of a recipient or participant who receives medical assistance through a managed care organization, the amount of the department’s or county department’s claim shall be the amount the managed care organization pays for medical assistance rendered to the recipient or participant, even if that amount is more than the amount a department pays to the managed care organization for the recipient’s or participant’s medical assistance.

(C) A recipient or participant, and the recipient’s or participant’s attorney, if any, shall cooperate with the departments. In furtherance of this requirement, the recipient or participant, or the recipient’s or participant’s attorney, if any, shall, not later than thirty days after initiating informal recovery activity or filing a legal recovery action against a third party, provide written notice of the activity or action to the department of job and family services when medical assistance under medicaid or the children’s buy-in program has been paid.

(D) The written notice that must be given under division (C) of this section shall disclose the identity and address of any third party against whom the recipient or participant has or may have a right of recovery.

(E) No settlement, compromise, judgment, or award or any recovery in any action or claim by a recipient or participant where the departments have a right of recovery shall be made final without first giving the appropriate departments written notice as described in division (C) of this section and a reasonable opportunity to perfect their rights of recovery. If the departments are not given the appropriate written notice, the recipient or participant and, if there is one, the recipient’s or participant’s attorney, are liable to reimburse the departments for the recovery received to the extent of medical payments made by the departments.

(F) The departments shall be permitted to enforce their recovery rights against the third party even though they accepted prior payments in discharge of their rights under this section if, at the time the departments received such payments, they were not aware that additional medical expenses had been incurred but had not yet been paid by the departments. The third party becomes liable to the department of job and family services or county department of job and family services as soon as the third party is notified in writing of the valid claims for recovery under this section.

(G)(1) Subject to division (G)(2) of this section, the right of recovery of a department does not apply to that portion of any judgment, award, settlement, or compromise of a claim, to the extent of attorneys’ fees, costs, or other expenses incurred by a recipient or participant in securing the judgment, award, settlement, or compromise, or to the extent of medical, surgical, and hospital expenses paid by such recipient or participant from the recipient’s or participant’s own resources.

(2) Reasonable attorneys’ fees, not to exceed one-third of the total judgment, award, settlement, or compromise, plus costs and other expenses incurred by the recipient or participant in securing the judgment, award, settlement, or compromise, shall first be deducted from the total judgment, award, settlement, or compromise. After fees, costs, and other expenses are deducted from the total judgment, award, settlement, or compromise, the department of job and family services or appropriate county department of job and family services shall receive no less than one-half of the remaining amount, or the actual amount of medical assistance paid, whichever is less.

(H) A right of recovery created by this section may be enforced separately or jointly by the department of job and family services or the appropriate county department of job and family services. To enforce their recovery rights, the departments may do any of the following:

(1) Intervene or join in any action or proceeding brought by the recipient or participant or on the recipient’s or participant’s behalf against any third party who may be liable for the cost of medical assistance paid;

(2) Institute and pursue legal proceedings against any third party who may be liable for the cost of medical assistance paid;

(3) Initiate legal proceedings in conjunction with any injured, diseased, or disabled recipient or participant or the recipient’s or participant’s attorney or representative.

(I) A recipient or participant shall not assess attorney fees, costs, or other expenses against the department of job and family services or a county department of job and family services when the department or county department enforces its right of recovery created by this section.

(J) The right of recovery given to the department under this section does not include rights to support from any other person assigned to the state under sections 5107.20 and 5115.07 of the Revised Code, but includes payments made by a third party under contract with a person having a duty to support.

Amended by 128th General Assembly File No. 9, HB 1, § 101.01, eff. 10/16/2009.

Effective Date: 06-26-2003; 2007 HB119 09-29-2007; 2008 HB562 09-22-2008