4928.18 Jurisdiction and powers of commission concerning utility or affiliate.

4928.18 Jurisdiction and powers of commission concerning utility or affiliate.

(A) Notwithstanding division (D)(2)(a) of section 4909.15 of the Revised Code, nothing in this chapter prevents the public utilities commission from exercising its authority under Title XLIX [49] of the Revised Code to protect customers of retail electric service supplied by an electric utility from any adverse effect of the utility’s provision of a product or service other than retail electric service.

(B) The commission has jurisdiction under section 4905.26 of the Revised Code, upon complaint of any person or upon complaint or initiative of the commission on or after the starting date of competitive retail electric service, to determine whether an electric utility or its affiliate has violated any provision of section 4928.17 of the Revised Code or an order issued or rule adopted under that section. For this purpose, the commission may examine such books, accounts, or other records kept by an electric utility or its affiliate as may relate to the businesses for which corporate separation is required under section 4928.17 of the Revised Code, and may investigate such utility or affiliate operations as may relate to those businesses and investigate the interrelationship of those operations. Any such examination or investigation by the commission shall be governed by Chapter 4903. of the Revised Code.

(C) In addition to any remedies otherwise provided by law, the commission, regarding a determination of a violation pursuant to division (B) of this section, may do any of the following:

(1) Issue an order directing the utility or affiliate to comply;

(2) Modify an order as the commission finds reasonable and appropriate and order the utility or affiliate to comply with the modified order;

(3) Suspend or abrogate an order, in whole or in part;

(4) Issue an order that the utility or affiliate pay restitution to any person injured by the violation or failure to comply;

(D) In addition to any remedies otherwise provided by law, the commission, regarding a determination of a violation pursuant to division (B) of this section and commensurate with the severity of the violation, the source of the violation, any pattern of violations, or any monetary damages caused by the violation, may do either of the following:

(1) Impose a forfeiture on the utility or affiliate of up to twenty-five thousand dollars per day per violation. The recovery and deposit of any such forfeiture shall be subject to sections 4905.57 and 4905.59 of the Revised Code.

(2) Regarding a violation by an electric utility relating to a corporate separation plan involving competitive retail electric service, suspend or abrogate all or part of an order, to the extent it is in effect, authorizing an opportunity for the utility to receive transition revenues under a transition plan approved by the commission under section 4928.33 of the Revised Code. Corporate separation under this section does not prohibit the common use of employee benefit plans, facilities, equipment, or employees, subject to proper accounting and the code of conduct ordered by the commission as provided in division (A)(1) of this section.

(E) Section 4905.61 of the Revised Code applies in the case of any violation of section 4928.17 of the Revised Code or of any rule adopted or order issued under that section.

Effective Date: 10-05-1999