4761.11 Exemptions.
4761.11 Exemptions.
(A) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent or restrict the practice, services, or activities of any person who:
(1) Is a health care professional licensed by this state providing respiratory care services included in the scope of practice established by the license held, as long as the person does not represent that the person is engaged in the practice of respiratory care;
(2) Is employed as a respiratory care professional by an agency of the United States government and provides respiratory care solely under the direction or control of the employing agency;
(3) Is a student enrolled in a board-approved respiratory care education program leading to a certificate of completion in respiratory care and is performing duties that are part of a supervised course of study;
(4) Is a nonresident of this state practicing or offering to practice respiratory care, if the respiratory care services are offered for not more than thirty days in a year, services are provided under the supervision of a respiratory care professional licensed under this chapter, and the nonresident registers with the board in accordance with rules adopted by the board under section 4761.03 of the Revised Code and meets either of the following requirements:
(a) Qualifies for licensure under this chapter, except for passage of the examination required under division (A)(3) of section 4761.04 of the Revised Code;
(b) Holds a valid license issued by a state that has licensure requirements considered by the board to be comparable to those of this state and has not been issued a license in another state that has been revoked or is currently under suspension or on probation.
(5) Provides respiratory care only to relatives or in medical emergencies;
(6) Provides gratuitous care to friends or personal family members;
(7) Provides only self care;
(8) Is employed in the office of a physician and renders medical assistance under the physician’s direct supervision without representing that the person is engaged in the practice of respiratory care;
(9) Is employed in a clinical chemistry or arterial blood gas laboratory and is supervised by a physician without representing that the person is engaged in the practice of respiratory care;
(10) Is engaged in the practice of respiratory care as an employee of a person or governmental entity located in another state and provides respiratory care services for less than seventy-two hours to patients being transported into, out of, or through this state.
(B) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent any person from advertising, describing, or offering to provide respiratory care or billing for respiratory care when the respiratory care services are provided by a health care professional licensed by this state practicing within the scope of practice established by the license held. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent a hospital or nursing facility from advertising, describing, or offering to provide respiratory care, or billing for respiratory care rendered by a person licensed under this chapter or persons who may provide limited aspects of respiratory care or respiratory care tasks pursuant to division (B) of section 4761.10 of the Revised Code.
(C) Notwithstanding division (A) of section 4761.10 of the Revised Code, in a life-threatening situation, in the absence of licensed personnel, unlicensed persons shall not be prohibited from taking life-saving measures.
(D) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as authorizing a respiratory care professional to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine and surgery. This division does not prohibit a respiratory care professional from administering topical or intradermal medications for the purpose of producing localized decreased sensation as part of a procedure or task that is within the scope of practice of a respiratory care professional.
Effective Date: 10-27-2000