4734.38 Suspension for mental illness or incompetency.

4734.38 Suspension for mental illness or incompetency.

If any person who has been granted a license to practice chiropractic and, if applicable, certificate to practice acupuncture under this chapter is adjudged by a probate court to be mentally ill or mentally incompetent, the person’s license and, if applicable, certificate shall be automatically suspended until the person has filed with the state chiropractic board a certified copy of an adjudication by a probate court of being restored to competency or has submitted to the board proof, satisfactory to the board, of having been discharged as being restored to competency in the manner and form provided in section 5122.38 of the Revised Code. The judge of the court shall forthwith notify the board of an adjudication of mental illness or mental incompetence.

Effective Date: 04-10-2001; 2007 SB33 08-22-2007