4734.36 Automatic suspension upon guilty plea or conviction.

4734.36 Automatic suspension upon guilty plea or conviction.

A chiropractor who in this state pleads guilty to or is convicted of aggravated murder, murder, voluntary manslaughter, felonious assault, kidnapping, rape, sexual battery, gross sexual imposition, aggravated arson, aggravated robbery, or aggravated burglary, or who in another jurisdiction pleads guilty to or is convicted of any substantially equivalent criminal offense, is automatically suspended from practice in this state and the license issued under this chapter to practice chiropractic is automatically suspended as of the date of the guilty plea or conviction. If applicable, the chiropractor’s certificate issued under this chapter to practice acupuncture is automatically suspended at the same time. Continued practice after suspension under this section shall be considered practicing chiropractic without a license and, if applicable, acupuncture without a certificate. On receiving notice or otherwise becoming aware of the conviction, the state chiropractic board shall notify the individual of the suspension under this section by certified mail or in person in accordance with section 119.07 of the Revised Code. If an individual whose license and, if applicable, certificate to practice acupuncture is suspended under this section fails to make a timely request for an adjudication, the board shall enter a final order revoking the individual’s license and, if applicable, certificate to practice acupuncture.

Effective Date: 04-10-2001; 2007 SB33 08-22-2007