- 4511.01 Traffic laws - operation of motor vehicles definitions.
- 4511.011 Designating freeway, expressway, and thruway.
- 4511.02 Amended and Renumbered RC 2921.331.
- 4511.03 Emergency vehicles at red signal or stop sign.
- 4511.031 Portable preemption signal devices prohibited.
- 4511.04 Exception to traffic rules.
- 4511.041 Exceptions to traffic rules for emergency or public safety vehicle responding to emergency call.
- 4511.042 Exceptions to traffic rules for coroner's vehicles.
- 4511.05 Persons riding or driving animals upon roadways.
- 4511.051 Freeways - prohibited acts.
- 4511.06 Applicability and uniformity of traffic laws.
- 4511.07 Local traffic regulations.
- 4511.071 No liability for lessor under written lease.
- 4511.08 Use of private property for vehicular travel.
- 4511.09 Manual and specifications for uniform system of traffic control devices.
- 4511.091 Arrest or citation of driver based on radar, timing device or radio message from another officer.
- 4511.092 Procedure where motor vehicle lessor receives ticket for lessee violation.
- 4511.093 Ticket, summons, or citation for secondary traffic offense.
- 4511.094 Signs required for photo-monitoring devices.
- 4511.10 Placement and maintenance of traffic control devices.
- 4511.101 Placement of business logos on directional signs along interstates.
- 4511.102 Tourist-oriented directional sign program definitions.
- 4511.103 Administrative rules for placement of tourist-oriented directional signs and trailblazer markers.
- 4511.104 Participation in tourist-oriented directional sign program.
- 4511.105 Tourist-oriented directional signs to conform to federal manual of uniform traffic control devices.
- 4511.106 Local tourist-oriented directional sign programs.
- 4511.107 Acquiring outdoor advertising devices.
- 4511.108 Traffic generator sign program.
- 4511.11 Local conformity to manual and specifications for uniform system of traffic control devices.
- 4511.12 Obedience to traffic control devices.
- 4511.121 Bypassing vehicle weighing locations.
- 4511.13 Traffic control signal lights.
- 4511.131 Lane-use control signals.
- 4511.132 Operation at intersections with malfunctioning traffic control signal lights.
- 4511.14 Special pedestrian control signals.
- 4511.15 Illuminated flashing red or yellow traffic signal.
- 4511.16 Unauthorized sign or signal resembling a traffic control device.
- 4511.17 Tampering with traffic control device, freshly applied pavement material, manhole covers.
- 4511.18 Purchase, possession or sale of traffic control device.
- 4511.181 OVI definitions.
- 4511.19 [Effective Until 9/17/2010] Operating vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs - OVI.
- 4511.191 Implied consent.
- 4511.192 Advice to OVI arrestee.
- 4511.193 Portion fine deposited in municipal or county indigent drivers alcohol treatment fund.
- 4511.194 Having physical control of vehicle while under the influence.
- 4511.195 Seizing and detaining vehicle if operator has prior conviction.
- 4511.196 Initial appearance.
- 4511.197 Appeal of implied consent suspension.
- 4511.198 Limited driving privileges - remote continuous alcohol monitor.
- 4511.20 Operation in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property.
- 4511.201 Operation off street or highway in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property.
- 4511.202 Operation without being in reasonable control of vehicle, trolley, or streetcar.
- 4511.203 Wrongful entrustment of motor vehicle.
- 4511.21 Speed limits - assured clear distance.
- 4511.211 Establishing speed limit on private road or driveway.
- 4511.212 Complaint of noncompliance by local authority with school zone sign laws.
- 4511.213 Approaching stationary public safety vehicle displaying emergency light.
- 4511.22 Slow speed.
- 4511.23 Speed limits on bridges.
- 4511.24 Speed limits not applicable to emergency or public safety vehicles.
- 4511.25 Lanes of travel upon roadways of sufficient width.
- 4511.251 Street racing.
- 4511.252 Closing roads for supervised sports car racing.
- 4511.26 Vehicles traveling in opposite directions.
- 4511.27 Overtaking and passing of vehicles proceeding in the same direction.
- 4511.28 Overtaking and passing upon the right of another vehicle.
- 4511.29 Driving to left of center of roadway in overtaking and passing traffic proceeding in same direction.
- 4511.30 Driving upon left side of roadway.
- 4511.31 Establishing hazardous zones.
- 4511.32 One-way traffic - rotary islands.
- 4511.33 Driving in marked lanes.
- 4511.34 Space between moving vehicles.
- 4511.35 Divided roadways.
- 4511.36 Rules for turns at intersections.
- 4511.37 Turning in roadway prohibited - exceptions.
- 4511.38 Rules for starting and backing vehicles.
- 4511.39 Turn and stop signals.
- 4511.40 Hand and arm signals.
- 4511.41 Right-of-way rule at intersections.
- 4511.42 Right-of-way rule when turning left.
- 4511.43 Right-of-way rule at through highways, stop signs, yield signs.
- 4511.431 Stop prior to driving on sidewalk area.
- 4511.432 Stop signs on private residential road or driveway.
- 4511.44 Right-of-way at highway from any place other than another roadway.
- 4511.441 Right-of-way of pedestrian on sidewalk.
- 4511.45 Right-of-way of public safety or coroner's vehicle.
- 4511.451 Right-of way of funeral vehicle.
- 4511.452 Right-of-way yielded by pedestrian to public safety vehicle.
- 4511.453 Immunity of funeral home operator.
- 4511.46 Right-of-way of pedestrian within crosswalk.
- 4511.47 Right-of-way of blind person.
- 4511.48 Right-of-way yielded by pedestrian.
- 4511.481 Intoxicated or drugged pedestrian on highway.
- 4511.49 Pedestrians on right half of crosswalk.
- 4511.491 Motorized wheelchair operator has rights and duties of pedestrian.
- 4511.50 Pedestrian walking in roadway.
- 4511.51 Hitchhiking - soliciting employment, business, or contributions from occupant of vehicle.
- 4511.511 Pedestrian on bridge or railroad grade crossing.
- 4511.512 Operation of electric personal assistive mobility devices.
- 4511.52 Bicycles - issuance of ticket - points not assessed.
- 4511.521 Operation of motorized bicycles.
- 4511.522 [Repealed].
- 4511.53 Operation of bicycles, motorcycles and snowmobiles.
- 4511.54 Prohibition against attaching bicycles and sleds to vehicles.
- 4511.55 Operating bicycles and motorcycles on roadway.
- 4511.56 Bicycle signal devices.
- 4511.57 Passing on left side of streetcar.
- 4511.58 Vehicle shall not pass streetcar discharging passengers - exception.
- 4511.59 Driving and turning in front of streetcars.
- 4511.60 Driving through safety zone.
- 4511.61 Stop signs at dangerous highway crossings over railroad tracks.
- 4511.62 Stopping at railroad grade crossing.
- 4511.63 Stopping at grade crossings.
- 4511.64 Slow-moving vehicles or equipment crossing railroad tracks.
- 4511.65 Designation of through highways.
- 4511.66 Prohibition against parking on highways.
- 4511.661 Unattended motor vehicles.
- 4511.67 Police may remove illegally parked vehicle.
- 4511.68 Parking - prohibited acts.
- 4511.681 Parking on private property - prohibited acts.
- 4511.69 Parking requirements.
- 4511.70 Obstructing view and control of driver - opening door into moving traffic.
- 4511.701 Occupying moving trailer prohibited.
- 4511.71 Prohibition against driving upon closed highway.
- 4511.711 Driving on sidewalk.
- 4511.712 Obstructing intersection.
- 4511.713 Use of bicycle paths.
- 4511.72 Following an emergency or public safety vehicle too closely.
- 4511.73 Driving over unprotected fire hose.
- 4511.74 Placing injurious material on highway.
- 4511.75 Stopping for stopped school bus.
- 4511.751 School bus operator to report violations.
- 4511.76 Administrative rules for school bus construction, design, equipment, operation and licensing.
- 4511.761 School bus inspections.
- 4511.762 School bus no longer used for transporting school children.
- 4511.763 Licensing by department of public safety.
- 4511.764 School buses must be registered and have identifying number.
- 4511.77 School bus - painting and marking.
- 4511.771 Signal lamps to be equipped with flashing red and amber lights.
- 4511.772 Occupant restraining device for operator.
- 4511.78 Mass transit system - transportation of school children.
- 4511.79 Driving commercial vehicle with impaired ability or alertness prohibited.
- 4511.80 [Repealed].
- 4511.81 Child restraint system - child highway safety fund.
- 4511.82 Littering offenses.
- 4511.83 [Repealed].
- 4511.84 Earphones or earplugs on operator prohibited.
- 4511.85 Chauffeured limousines.
- 4511.90 Chautauqua assembly.
- 4511.95 Amended and Renumbered RC 4510.71.
- 4511.951 Amended and Renumbered RC 4510.72.
- 4511.98 Signs as to increased penalties in construction zones.
- 4511.99 Penalty.
- 4511.991 [Repealed].