Chapter 4105: ELEVATORS
- 4105.01 Elevator definitions.
- 4105.011 Board of building standards - powers and duties.
- 4105.02 Certificate of competency in elevator inspection.
- 4105.03 Superintendent to hire assistant and general inspectors.
- 4105.04 Employment or designation of special inspectors.
- 4105.05 Suspension or revocation of special inspector's commission.
- 4105.06 Lost certificate or commission.
- 4105.07 Insurance company may inspect.
- 4105.08 General inspector may inspect - fee.
- 4105.09 Registration of elevators.
- 4105.10 Frequency of inspection.
- 4105.11 Responsibility for inspections - adjudication orders.
- 4105.12 Rules.
- 4105.13 Safety equipment - vertical wheelchair lifts.
- 4105.14 Seats for use of operator of passenger elevators.
- 4105.15 Certificate of operation - renewal.
- 4105.16 Permit for erection or repair - final inspection.
- 4105.17 Fees.
- 4105.18 [Repealed].
- 4105.19 Applicability of sections.
- 4105.191 Owner or operator to file report of elevator accidents.
- 4105.20 Prohibited acts - fines.
- 4105.21 Enforcement of chapter - sealing and posting of notice prohibiting use of elevator.
- 4105.99 Penalty.