- 3748.01 Radiation control program definitions.
- 3748.02 Ohio radiation control agency designation.
- 3748.03 Agreements with nuclear regulatory commission.
- 3748.04 Public health council rules for requirements, procedures and fees.
- 3748.05 Director of health - powers and duties.
- 3748.06 Compliance with licensing provisions and rules.
- 3748.07 Applying for license or certificate of registration.
- 3748.09 [Repealed].
- 3748.10 Prohibiting treatment, recycling, storing or disposal of waste except at licensed facility.
- 3748.11 Compliance with rules.
- 3748.12 Certifying radiation experts.
- 3748.121 Effect of child support default on certificate.
- 3748.13 Inspections.
- 3748.14 Excepting diagnostic or therapeutic use of radiation.
- 3748.15 Prohibited acts.
- 3748.16 Facility inspections.
- 3748.17 Notice of violation.
- 3748.18 Prosecution.
- 3748.19 Civil penalty.
- 3748.20 Radiation advisory council - appointment - powers and duties.
- 3748.21 Nuclear regulatory commission regulated entities.
- 3748.22 Fees to pay all costs of programs.
- 3748.99 Penalty.