3721.09 Local regulations.
3721.09 Local regulations.
Sections 3721.02, 3721.03, 3721.04, 3721.05, 3721.051, 3721.07, and 3721.08 of the Revised Code and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto are not applicable in political subdivisions which the director of health, by annual certification, determines have adopted and are enforcing their own standards which are equal to or greater in the requirements than those of sections 3721.02, 3721.03, 3721.04, 3721.05, 3721.051, 3721.07, and 3721.08 of the Revised Code and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Officials of political subdivisions shall cooperate fully with the director and provide the director with information which the director finds necessary in order to make a determination.
Effective Date: 07-21-2000