3714.04 Granting of exemption where disposal of debris is unlikely to have adverse effects - exception.
3714.04 Granting of exemption where disposal of debris is unlikely to have adverse effects - exception.
(A) Subject to division (B) of this section, the director of environmental protection or the board of health having territorial jurisdiction may by order exempt any person disposing of or proposing to dispose of construction and demolition debris in such quantities or under such circumstances that, in the determination of the director or board of health, are unlikely to adversely affect the public health or safety or the environment, or to create a fire hazard, from any provision of this chapter or a rule adopted or order issued under it, other than division (B)(2) of section 3714.03 or division (E) of section 3714.13 of the Revised Code. Neither the director nor any board of health shall grant an exemption under this section from division (B)(1) of section 3714.03 of the Revised Code if the director or board finds from the permit to install application that the establishment of a new construction or demolition debris facility in the one-hundred-year flood plain of a watercourse would result in an increase of more than one foot in the elevation of the flood stage of the watercourse upstream or downstream from the proposed facility. The applicant for a permit to install shall determine the increase in the flood stage resulting from the location of the proposed facility within the one-hundred-year flood plain of a watercourse based upon standard methodologies set forth in “urban hydrology for small watersheds” (soil conservation service technical release number 55) and section 4 of the “national engineering hydrology handbook” of the soil conservation service of the United States department of agriculture.
(B) Except in the event of a natural disaster or public health emergency declared by the governor or the director of health, before a board of health issues an order that exempts a person disposing of or proposing to dispose of construction and demolition debris as provided in division (A) of this section, the board shall provide written notice to the director of environmental protection of the board’s intention to grant an exemption under that division. The notice shall contain a description of the facts surrounding the proposed exemption and any other information that the director may request. Not later than thirty days after receipt of the notice, the director shall provide written comment to the board of health regarding the proposed exemption. The written comment shall be considered by the board of health prior to the board’s issuance of an order granting the exemption.
Effective Date: 07-24-1990; 12-22-2005