3705.19 Death certificate to state whether deceased served in the armed forces.
3705.19 Death certificate to state whether deceased served in the armed forces.
(A) If the deceased served in the armed forces of the United States, the death certificate shall include a statement of the branch of service in which he served, the date of entry into service, the date and type of discharge from such service, and information to show the name and location of the place where the deceased was buried or cremated, date of burial or cremation, and the location, lot, and grave number of the deceased’s burial.
(B) Whenever the remains of a deceased person are transported into this state for burial or other disposition, the funeral director having responsibility for disposition of the remains shall ascertain from the best qualified persons or sources available whether or not the deceased was a member of the armed forces of the United States. If the director finds the deceased was a member, he shall also obtain from such persons or sources and shall transcribe on a form prescribed by the director of health, the deceased’s branch of service, date of entry into service, date and type of separation or discharge from service, date of birth, state of birth, date of death, date of burial, the name and location of the cemetery, and the lot and grave number where the deceased is buried. The funeral director shall sign the completed form and submit it to the local registrar of vital statistics. If the director is unable to ascertain whether or not the deceased was a member of the armed forces of the United States or ascertains that the deceased was not a member, he shall enter such information on the form.
If no funeral director is responsible for the disposition of the remains of the deceased, the person in charge of the disposition, except a person who is customarily in charge only of the premises where burials or cremations take place, shall perform the duties required by this division.
(C) At intervals not to exceed three months, the department of health shall forward to the adjutant general a summary of information concerning deceased members and former members of the armed forces of the United States, including those who died outside this state, but whose remains were buried or received for other final disposition in this state. The summary shall state the name, date of birth, state of birth, date of death, date of entry into service, date and type of separation or discharge from service, branch of service, date of burial, place of burial, and location of grave. At the same time the department forwards this summary to the adjutant general, it shall forward to each county recorder that portion of the summary that relates to burials made, and grave locations situated, within the county. After the summary is sent to the adjutant general, the forms specified in division (B) of this section may be disposed of.
Effective Date: 03-16-1989