3355.04 Appointment of district administrator or board of trustees - term.
3355.04 Appointment of district administrator or board of trustees - term.
Within ninety days after a university branch district has been declared to be established, pursuant to sections 3355.01 to 3355.14, inclusive, of the Revised Code, the legislative authority of the municipality or the board or boards of county commissioners shall appoint either a district administrator who shall serve thereafter at the pleasure of the managing authority of the university branch district, or a university branch district board of trustees of seven members. The university branch district board of trustees referred to in this section as “board of trustees” appointed by the legislative authority of the municipality or board or boards of county commissioners, at the time of appointment, shall be residents of the municipality, county, or counties from which the university branch district is created and shall serve for terms not to exceed four years. Members of the board of trustees shall be eligible for reappointment provided that they remain residents of the municipality, county, or counties from which the university branch district is created. Vacancies on the board of trustees may be filled by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term provided that the member so appointed possesses all the qualifications required for a full term appointment. The appointing authority may appoint members of the university branch district board of trustees for terms of a uniform number of years fixed to expire at one time, or the appointing authority may stagger the terms of the trustees so that one or more terms of the members of the board of trustees expires each year. If staggered term appointments are made to the board of trustees, the initial appointments may be made for terms of less than four years and need not be initially for the same length of time. After initial appointments for staggered terms are made all subsequent appointments shall be for terms of uniform length. For a university branch district created by the boards of county commissioners of two or more counties, the board of trustees shall consist of at least one member appointed by each board of county commissioners in the district and no board of county commissioners shall appoint more than four members of the board of trustees. The exact number of members of the board of trustees appointed by each board of county commissioners shall be agreed to unanimously by all boards of county commissioners within the university branch district, except that the total number of trustees shall be seven. The district administrator or the university branch district board of trustees may employ such technical assistants including architects, engineers, appraisers, and other skilled personnel as may be required to plan, acquire, construct, and maintain a university branch campus. The district administrator or the university branch district board of trustees may also employ such supervisory and clerical personnel as may be required in the fulfillment of these responsibilities.
Effective Date: 09-24-1963