- 3311.01 Styling of school districts.
- 3311.02 City school district defined.
- 3311.03 Local school district defined.
- 3311.04 Exempted village school district defined.
- 3311.05 Educational service center defined - county school financing district.
- 3311.051, 3311.052 [Repealed].
- 3311.053 Joint educational service center.
- 3311.054 Membership of governing board of joint service center.
- 3311.055 School board, board of education and school district construed.
- 3311.056 Plan for adding appointed members to board.
- 3311.057 Service center board following merger.
- 3311.058 When merger to achieve minimum average daily membership not required.
- 3311.059 Annexing local school district to territory of another educational service center in lie of transfer.
- 3311.06 Territory of district to be contiguous - exceptions - annexation of territory.
- 3311.061 Intent of Senate Bill 298 amendment.
- 3311.062 Forming district from noncontiguous districts.
- 3311.07 Change of classification upon advancement.
- 3311.08 School districts that may become exempt from board supervision - census.
- 3311.09 [Repealed].
- 3311.10 Change of classification upon reduction of population in village school district - exception.
- 3311.11 New school district to be approved by general assembly.
- 3311.12 to 3311.15 [Repealed].
- 3311.16 Plan for joint vocational school district.
- 3311.17 Copy of plan to be filed with board of each district.
- 3311.18 Creation of joint vocational school districts.
- 3311.19 Joint vocational school district board of education.
- 3311.20 Bond issue - annual levy.
- 3311.21 Tax levy - rate.
- 3311.211 Tuition - acceptance of funds.
- 3311.212 Use of buildings.
- 3311.213 Procedure for district to join existing joint vocational school district.
- 3311.214 Procedure for merging existing joint vocational school districts.
- 3311.215 Facilities of joint districts.
- 3311.216 Funds of joint districts.
- 3311.217 Dissolution of district.
- 3311.218 Sharing use of facilities, equipment or funds.
- 3311.22 Transfer of school district territory.
- 3311.23 [Repealed].
- 3311.231 Transferring local school district territory to adjoining service center or city or exempted village school district.
- 3311.24 Transfer of city, exempted village or local school district territory to adjoining district.
- 3311.25 Merger of districts located primarily in same county with population of less than 100,000.
- 3311.26 New local school district may be created.
- 3311.261 [Repealed].
- 3311.27 [Repealed].
- 3311.28 [Repealed].
- 3311.29 District public schools to maintain all grade levels - dissolution of district - authorization of exceptions.
- 3311.30 to 3311.33 [Repealed].
- 3311.34 No exempted village school districts to be created.
- 3311.341 [Repealed].
- 3311.35 [Repealed].
- 3311.36 [Repealed].
- 3311.37 State board may propose creation of new district.
- 3311.38 State board may propose transfers of districts.
- 3311.40 [Repealed].
- 3311.50 County school financing district.
- 3311.51 Creation of special education districts - disposition of county school financing district tax levy proceeds.
- 3311.52 Establishment of cooperative education school district - dissolution of county school financing district.
- 3311.521 Cooperative education school district for purpose of operating joint high school.
- 3311.53 Resolution proposing to become part of cooperative education school district.
- 3311.54 Resolution requesting dissolution of cooperative education district.
- 3311.71 Members of new municipal school district board to be appointed by mayor - candidates selected by nominating panel.
- 3311.72 Submission of resignations by current administrators.
- 3311.73 Election on whether mayor shall continue to appoint board members - election of new board.
- 3311.74 Goals and accountability standards - plan to measure student academic performance - report - public awareness campaign.
- 3311.75 Funds kept separate - purchases.
- 3311.76 Rule exemptions.
- 3311.77 Community oversight committee.