3301.13 Department of education - organization - powers and duties.
3301.13 Department of education - organization - powers and duties.
The department of education hereby created, shall be the administrative unit and organization through which the policies, directives, and powers of the state board of education and the duties of the superintendent of public instruction are administered by such superintendent as executive officer of the board. The department of education shall consist of the state board of education, the superintendent of public instruction, and a staff of such professional, clerical, and other employees as may be necessary to perform the duties and to exercise the required functions of the department. The department of education shall be organized as provided by law or by order of the state board of education. The superintendent of public instruction shall be the chief administrative officer of such department, and, subject to board policies, rules, and regulations, shall exercise general supervision of the department. The department of education shall be subject to all provisions of law pertaining to departments, offices, or institutions established for the exercise of any function of the state government; excepting that it shall not be one of the departments provided for under division (A) of section 121.01 of the Revised Code. In the exercise of any of its functions or powers, including the power to make rules and regulations and to prescribe minimum standards the department of education, and any officer or agency therein, shall be subject to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The headquarters of the department of education shall be at the seat of government, where office space suitable and adequate for the work of the department shall be provided by the appropriate state agency. There the state board of education shall meet and transact its business, unless the board chooses to meet elsewhere in Ohio as provided by section 3301.04 of the Revised Code. There the records of the state board of education and the records, papers, and documents belonging to the department shall be kept in charge of the superintendent of public instruction. The superintendent of public instruction shall recommend, for approval by the board, the organization of the department of education, and the assignment of the work within such department. The appointment, number, and salaries of assistant superintendents and division heads shall be determined by the state board of education after recommendation of the superintendent of public instruction. Such assistant superintendents and division heads shall serve at the pleasure of the board. The superintendent of public instruction may appoint, fix the salary, and terminate the employment of such other employees as are engaged in educational or research duties.
Effective Date: 07-22-1994