3301.0724 Annual aggregate spending report.
3301.0724 Annual aggregate spending report.
(A) The department of education annually shall report to the general assembly, in accordance with section 101.68 of the Revised Code, for each school district all of the following information for the previous school year:
(1) The aggregate amount spent for teacher salaries;
(2) The aggregate amount spent for salaries of nonteaching employees;
(3) The aggregate amount spent for health care benefits for all employees and the percentage that amount is of the total amount paid in employer’s contributions and employees’ contributions for those benefits;
(4) The aggregate amount spent for the employer’s contributions to the state teachers retirement system and the school employees retirement system;
(5) Whether the school district pays any part of the employees’ contributions to the state teachers retirement system or the school employees retirement system;
(6) The number of sick days, vacation days, and personal days provided for teachers and nonteaching employees.
(B) The department shall consult with the state employment relations board in preparing the report required by this section.
(C) If necessary, as determined by the department, each school district shall report to the department data prescribed by division (A) of this section in the manner and by the deadline specified by the department so that the department can comply with this section.
(D) As used in this section, “school year” has the same meaning as in section 3313.62 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 2007 HB119 09-29-2007