3301.07 State board of education - powers and duties.
3301.07 State board of education - powers and duties.
The state board of education shall exercise under the acts of the general assembly general supervision of the system of public education in the state. In addition to the powers otherwise imposed on the state board under the provisions of law, the board shall have the powers described in this section.
(A) The state board shall exercise policy forming, planning, and evaluative functions for the public schools of the state except as otherwise provided by law.
(B) (1) The state board shall exercise leadership in the improvement of public education in this state, and administer the educational policies of this state relating to public schools, and relating to instruction and instructional material, building and equipment, transportation of pupils, administrative responsibilities of school officials and personnel, and finance and organization of school districts, educational service centers, and territory. Consultative and advisory services in such matters shall be provided by the board to school districts and educational service centers of this state.
(2) The state board also shall develop a standard of financial reporting which shall be used by each school district board of education and educational service center governing board to make its financial information and annual budgets for each school building under its control available to the public in a format understandable by the average citizen . The format shall show, among other things, at the district and educational service center level or at the school building level, as determined appropriate by the department of education, revenue by source; expenditures for salaries, wages, and benefits of employees, showing such amounts separately for classroom teachers, other employees required to hold licenses issued pursuant to sections 3319.22 to 3319.31 of the Revised Code, and all other employees; expenditures other than for personnel, by category, including utilities, textbooks and other educational materials, equipment, permanent improvements, pupil transportation, extracurricular athletics, and other extracurricular activities; and per pupil expenditures.
(C) The state board shall administer and supervise the allocation and distribution of all state and federal funds for public school education under the provisions of law, and may prescribe such systems of accounting as are necessary and proper to this function. It may require county auditors and treasurers, boards of education, educational service center governing boards, treasurers of such boards, teachers, and other school officers and employees, or other public officers or employees, to file with it such reports as it may prescribe relating to such funds, or to the management and condition of such funds.
(D) (1) Wherever in Titles IX, XXIII, XXIX, XXXIII, XXXVII, XLVII, and LI of the Revised Code a reference is made to standards prescribed under this section or division (D) of this section, that reference shall be construed to refer to the standards prescribed under division (D)(2) of this section, unless the context specifically indicates a different meaning or intent.
(2) The state board shall formulate and prescribe minimum standards to be applied to all elementary and secondary schools in this state for the purpose of requiring a general education of high quality. Such standards shall provide adequately for: the licensing of teachers, administrators, and other professional personnel and their assignment according to training and qualifications; efficient and effective instructional materials and equipment, including library facilities; the proper organization, administration, and supervision of each school, including regulations for preparing all necessary records and reports and the preparation of a statement of policies and objectives for each school; buildings, grounds, health and sanitary facilities and services; admission of pupils, and such requirements for their promotion from grade to grade as will assure that they are capable and prepared for the level of study to which they are certified; requirements for graduation; and such other factors as the board finds necessary.
In the formulation and administration of such standards for nonpublic schools the board shall also consider the particular needs, methods and objectives of those schools, provided they do not conflict with the provision of a general education of a high quality and provided that regular procedures shall be followed for promotion from grade to grade of pupils who have met the educational requirements prescribed.
In the formulation and administration of such standards as they relate to instructional materials and equipment in public schools, including library materials, the board shall require that the material and equipment be aligned with and promote skills expected under the statewide academic standards adopted under section 3301.079 of the Revised Code.
(3) In addition to the minimum standards required by division (D)(2) of this section, the state board shall formulate and prescribe the following additional minimum operating standards for school districts:
(a) Standards for the effective and efficient organization, administration, and supervision of each school district so that it becomes a thinking and learning organization according to principles of systems design and collaborative professional learning communities research as defined by the superintendent of public instruction, including a focus on the personalized and individualized needs of each student; a shared responsibility among school boards, administrators, faculty, and staff to develop a common vision, mission, and set of guiding principles; a shared responsibility among school boards, administrators, faculty, and staff to engage in a process of collective inquiry, action orientation, and experimentation to ensure the academic success of all students; commitment to teaching and learning strategies that utilize technological tools and emphasize inter-disciplinary, real-world, project-based, and technology-oriented learning experiences to meet the individual needs of every student; commitment to high expectations for every student and commitment to closing the achievement gap so that all students achieve core knowledge and skills in accordance with the statewide academic standards adopted under section 3301.079 of the Revised Code; commitment to the use of assessments to diagnose the needs of each student; effective connections and relationships with families and others that support student success; and commitment to the use of positive behavior intervention supports throughout a district to ensure a safe and secure learning environment for all students;
(b) Standards for the establishment of business advisory councils and family and civic engagement teams by school districts under sections 3313.82, 3313.821, and 3313.822 of the Revised Code;
(c)Standards incorporating the classifications for the components of the adequacy amount under Chapter 3306. of the Revised Code into core academic strategy components and academic improvement components, as specified in rules adopted under section 3306.25 of the Revised Code;
(d) Standards for school district organizational units, as defined in sections 3306.02 and 3306.04 of the Revised Code, that require:
(i) The effective and efficient organization, administration, and supervision of each school district organizational unit so that it becomes a thinking and learning organization according to principles of systems design and collaborative professional learning communities research as defined by the state superintendent, including a focus on the personalized and individualized needs of each student; a shared responsibility among organizational unit administrators, faculty, and staff to develop a common vision, mission, and set of guiding principles; a shared responsibility among organizational unit administrators, faculty, and staff to engage in a process of collective inquiry, action orientation, and experimentation to ensure the academic success of all students; commitment to job embedded professional development and professional mentoring and coaching; established periods of time for teachers to pursue planning time for the development of lesson plans, professional development, and shared learning; commitment to effective management strategies that allow administrators reasonable access to classrooms for observation and professional development experiences; commitment to teaching and learning strategies that utilize technological tools and emphasize inter-disciplinary, real-world, project-based, and technology-oriented learning experiences to meet the individual needs of every student; commitment to high expectations for every student and commitment to closing the achievement gap so that all students achieve core knowledge and skills in accordance with the statewide academic standards adopted under section 3301.079 of the Revised Code; commitment to the use of assessments to diagnose the needs of each student; effective connections and relationships with families and others that support student success; commitment to the use of positive behavior intervention supports throughout the organizational unit to ensure a safe and secure learning environment for all students;
(ii) A school organizational unit leadership team to coordinate positive behavior intervention supports, family and civic engagement services, learning environments, thinking and learning systems, collaborative planning, planning time, student academic interventions, student extended learning opportunities, and other activities identified by the team and approved by the district board of education. The team shall include the building principal, representatives from each collective bargaining unit, the building lead teacher, parents, business representatives, and others that support student success.
(E) The state board may require as part of the health curriculum information developed under section 2108.34 of the Revised Code promoting the donation of anatomical gifts pursuant to Chapter 2108. of the Revised Code and may provide the information to high schools, educational service centers, and joint vocational school district boards of education;
(F) The state board shall prepare and submit annually to the governor and the general assembly a report on the status, needs, and major problems of the public schools of the state, with recommendations for necessary legislative action and a ten-year projection of the state’s public and nonpublic school enrollment, by year and by grade level.
(G) The state board shall prepare and submit to the director of budget and management the biennial budgetary requests of the state board of education, for its agencies and for the public schools of the state.
(H) The state board shall cooperate with federal, state, and local agencies concerned with the health and welfare of children and youth of the state.
(I) The state board shall require such reports from school districts and educational service centers, school officers, and employees as are necessary and desirable. The superintendents and treasurers of school districts and educational service centers shall certify as to the accuracy of all reports required by law or state board or state department of education rules to be submitted by the district or educational service center and which contain information necessary for calculation of state funding. Any superintendent who knowingly falsifies such report shall be subject to license revocation pursuant to section 3319.31 of the Revised Code.
(J) In accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the state board shall adopt procedures, standards, and guidelines for the education of children with disabilities pursuant to Chapter 3323. of the Revised Code, including procedures, standards, and guidelines governing programs and services operated by county boards of developmental disabilities pursuant to section 3323.09 of the Revised Code.
(K) For the purpose of encouraging the development of special programs of education for academically gifted children, the state board shall employ competent persons to analyze and publish data, promote research, advise and counsel with boards of education, and encourage the training of teachers in the special instruction of gifted children. The board may provide financial assistance out of any funds appropriated for this purpose to boards of education and educational service center governing boards for developing and conducting programs of education for academically gifted children.
(L) The state board shall require that all public schools emphasize and encourage, within existing units of study, the teaching of energy and resource conservation as recommended to each district board of education by leading business persons involved in energy production and conservation, beginning in the primary grades.
(M) The state board shall formulate and prescribe minimum standards requiring the use of phonics as a technique in the teaching of reading in grades kindergarten through three. In addition, the state board shall provide in-service training programs for teachers on the use of phonics as a technique in the teaching of reading in grades kindergarten through three.
The board may adopt rules necessary for carrying out any function imposed on it by law, and may provide rules as are necessary for its government and the government of its employees, and may delegate to the superintendent of public instruction the management and administration of any function imposed on it by law. It may provide for the appointment of board members to serve on temporary committees established by the board for such purposes as are necessary. Permanent or standing committees shall not be created.
Compliance with the standards adopted under divisions (B)(2) and (D) of this section, as they relate to the operation of a school operated by a school district, may be waived by the state superintendent pursuant to section 3306.40 of the Revised Code.
Amended by 128th General Assembly File No. 9, HB 1, § 101.01, eff. 7/17/2009 and 10/16/2009.
Amended by 128th General Assembly ch. 7, SB 79, § 1, eff. 10/6/2009.
Effective Date: 10-11-2002; 2007 HB119 09-29-2007; 2008 HB529 04-07-2009
See 128th General Assembly File No. 9, HB 1, §812.30.