3123.44 Contents of notice to obligor.

3123.44 Contents of notice to obligor.

Notice shall be sent to an individual described in section 3123.42 of the Revised Code in compliance with section 3121.23 of the Revised Code. The notice shall specify that a court or agency has determined the individual to be in default under a child support order or that the individual is an obligor who has failed to comply with a subpoena or warrant issued by a court or agency with respect to a proceeding to enforce a child support order, that a notice containing the individual’s name and social security number or other identification number may be sent to every board that has authority to issue or has issued the individual a license, and that, if the board receives that notice and determines that the individual is the individual named in that notice and the board has not received notice under section 3123.45 or 3123.46 of the Revised Code, all of the following will occur:

(A) The board will not issue any license to the individual or renew any license of the individual.

(B) The board will suspend any license of the individual if it determines that the individual is the individual named in the notice sent to the board under section 3123.43 of the Revised Code.

(C) If the individual is the individual named in the notice, the board will not issue any license to the individual, and will not reinstate a suspended license, until the board receives a notice under section 3123.45 or 3123.46 of the Revised Code.

Effective Date: 03-22-2001