3115.08 Continuing jurisdiction to enforce child support order.

3115.08 Continuing jurisdiction to enforce child support order.

(A) A tribunal or support enforcement agency of this state may serve as an initiating tribunal to request a tribunal of another state to enforce or modify a support order issued in that state.

(B) A tribunal of this state having continuing, exclusive jurisdiction over a support order may act as a responding tribunal to enforce or modify the order. If a party subject to the continuing, exclusive jurisdiction of the tribunal no longer resides in the issuing state, in subsequent proceedings the tribunal may apply section 3115.27 of the Revised Code to obtain evidence from another state and section 3115.29 of the Revised Code to obtain discovery through a tribunal of another state.

(C) A tribunal of this state that lacks continuing, exclusive jurisdiction over a spousal support order may not serve as a responding tribunal to modify a spousal support order of another state.

Effective Date: 03-22-2001