Chapter 3111: PARENTAGE
- 3111.01 Parent and child relationship defined.
- 3111.02 Establishing parent and child relationship.
- 3111.03 Presumption of paternity.
- 3111.04 Standing to bring paternity action.
- 3111.05 Statute of limitations.
- 3111.06 Jurisdiction of courts - personal jurisdiction.
- 3111.07 Parties to action - intervention.
- 3111.08 Rules of Civil Procedure govern action.
- 3111.09 Genetic tests - DNA records.
- 3111.10 Evidence of paternity.
- 3111.11 Pretrial hearing.
- 3111.111 Temporary support order.
- 3111.12 Witnesses - admission of evidence - priority of actions.
- 3111.13 Judgment or order.
- 3111.14 Fees and costs of action.
- 3111.15 Enforcing father's obligation.
- 3111.16 Continuing jurisdiction.
- 3111.17 Determining mother and child relationship.
- 3111.18 Preparing new birth record.
- 3111.19 Interfering with establishment of paternity.
- 3111.20 Birth record defined.
- 3111.21 Notarizing acknowledgment.
- 3111.211 [Repealed].
- 3111.22 Acknowledgment to be sent to job and family services department.
- 3111.221 Amended and Renumbered RC 3111.58.
- 3111.23 Acknowledgment filed with office of child support.
- 3111.231 [Repealed].
- 3111.24 Determining whether acknowledgment is completed correctly.
- 3111.241, 3111.242 [Repealed].
- 3111.25 Acknowledgment of paternity is final and enforceable.
- 3111.26 Effects of final and enforceable acknowledgment.
- 3111.27 Rescinding acknowledgment.
- 3111.28 Action rescinding acknowledgment.
- 3111.29 Enforcing support obligation.
- 3111.30 Preparing new birth record.
- 3111.31 Acknowledgment of paternity affidavit form.
- 3111.32 Information pamphlets - toll-free telephone number.
- 3111.33 Distributing pamphlets and forms.
- 3111.34 Evidence necessary to complete new birth record.
- 3111.35 Implementing provisions.
- 3111.36 Amended and Renumbered RC 3111.94.
- 3111.37 Amended and Renumbered RC 3111.95.
- 3111.38 Requesting administrative determination of paternity.
- 3111.381 Request to precede court action - jurisdiction.
- 3111.39 Requests filed with multiple agencies.
- 3111.40 Request contents.
- 3111.41 Assigning to administrative officer - order for genetic testing.
- 3111.42 Attaching notice to order.
- 3111.421 Serving notice and order.
- 3111.43 Persons to be notified - genetic testing of persons present.
- 3111.44 Information conference.
- 3111.45 Test conducted by qualified examiner.
- 3111.46 Finding paternity or nonpaternity.
- 3111.47 Failure to submit to test results in inconclusive finding.
- 3111.48 Information included in order.
- 3111.49 Conclusiveness of order.
- 3111.50 Bringing action where order is inconclusive.
- 3111.51 Including names, addresses and social security numbers of parents and child in order.
- 3111.52 Changing surname of child.
- 3111.53 Administrative officer.
- 3111.54 Contempt.
- 3111.58 New birth record.
- 3111.61 Samples and performance of genetic testing.
- 3111.611 On-site genetic testing.
- 3111.64 Birth registry.
- 3111.65 Accessing registry.
- 3111.66 Filing orders and entering into registry.
- 3111.67 Birth registry rules.
- 3111.69 Locating absent parent using putative father registry.
- 3111.71 Contracts with hospitals to meet with unmarried women giving birth.
- 3111.72 Requirements for contracts with hospitals to meet with unmarried women giving birth.
- 3111.73 Annual report.
- 3111.74 Acknowledgment conflicting with presumption of paternity.
- 3111.77 Presumed father assuming duty of support.
- 3111.78 Enforcing obligations of presumed father.
- 3111.80 Hearing to determine child support and provision for health care.
- 3111.81 Order concerning support and health care.
- 3111.82 Raise issue of existence or nonexistence of parent and child relationship.
- 3111.821 Proceedings - finality of acknowledgment.
- 3111.83 Registering order concerning support and health care.
- 3111.831 System for organized safekeeping and retrieval of administrative support orders.
- 3111.832 Registering order with court.
- 3111.84 Bringing action objecting to order - finality of unchallenged order.
- 3111.85 Administrative support orders issued prior to 1-1-98.
- 3111.88 Non-spousal artificial insemination definitions.
- 3111.89 Coverage of provisions.
- 3111.90 Physician supervision.
- 3111.91 Medical history and physical examination of donor.
- 3111.92 Consent by both spouses.
- 3111.93 Provisions of consent form.
- 3111.94 Confidentiality.
- 3111.95 Husband considered natural father - child natural child.
- 3111.96 Noncompliance.
- 3111.97 Parentage of children resulting from embryo donation.
- 3111.99 Penalty.