2950.131 Database link to current information on offenders.
2950.131 Database link to current information on offenders.
(A) By January 1, 2008, the bureau of criminal identification and investigation, with the assistance of the office of criminal justice services, shall include on the internet sex offender and child-victim offender database established and operated pursuant to division (A)(11) of section 2950.13 of the Revised Code a link to educational information for the public on current research about sex offenders and child-victim offenders. Each sheriff who has established on the internet a sex offender and child-victim offender database may include a link to this information on the sheriff’s internet database.
(B) By January 1, 2008, the internet sex offender and child-victim offender database established and operated pursuant to division (A)(11) of section 2950.13 of the Revised Code and each sheriff’s internet sex offender and child-victim offender database is required to inform offenders and public registry-qualified juvenile offender registrants that they may contact the sheriff of the county in which the offender or delinquent child registered an address if the offender or delinquent child believes that information contained on the internet sex offender and child-victim offender database or sheriff’s internet sex offender and child-victim offender database pertaining to the offender or delinquent child is incorrect.
Effective Date: 2007 SB97 01-01-2008