2313.07 Construction of jury wheel - automation data processing equipment.
2313.07 Construction of jury wheel - automation data processing equipment.
The commissioners of jurors shall not deposit in the jury wheel, in the automation data processing equipment, or other automated data processing information storage device, for service for the ensuing year the names of jurors who have served their legal terms as jurors within the next preceding jury year.
The jury wheel shall be constructed with an aperture large enough only to admit conveniently the hand of the person by whom the ballots are to be drawn, and the aperture shall be provided with a cover so arranged as to be securely sealed when closed. The jury wheel shall be cylindrical in form, and shall be provided with some apparatus by which the ballots can be thoroughly mixed without exposing them, and its form and construction shall be approved by the court of common pleas and may be changed with the approval of the court.
Except as provided in division (C) of this section, the automation data processing equipment, if used, shall consist of the following:
(A) A metal storage drawer for storage of the automation data processing punch card ballots. Such drawer shall be equipped with a doublenose key lock and must be securely sealed by the commissioners of jurors when closed. The keys shall be distributed to the commissioners of jurors. No commissioner of jurors shall possess more than one such key.
(B) Automation data processing equipment which will thoroughly intermix the data processing punch card ballots, without exposing them, when they are inserted into such equipment. In addition, such equipment must then be capable of accepting a designated key number and thereby selecting those ballots, according to the order they are ejected from the equipment, represented by such key number or the multiples thereof. The designation of such key number shall be made by the person or court designating the number of jurors to be drawn in accordance with sections 2313.19 and 2313.24 of the Revised Code. The form and construction of such automation data processing equipment shall be approved by the court of common pleas and may be changed with the approval of such court.
(C) If the court approves the use of automated data processing information storage device, information retrieval system, visual display apparatus, or other similar equipment described in or authorized by division (C) of section 2313.21 of the Revised Code, the process for the selection of names and compiling of lists shall conform as far as practicable to sections 2313.08 and 2313.21 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 11-25-1969