2127.35 Confirmation of sale - deed.

2127.35 Confirmation of sale - deed.

An executor, administrator, or guardian shall make return of his proceedings under the order for the sale of real estate granted by the probate court. The court, after careful examination, if satisfied that the sale has in all respects been legally made, shall confirm the sale, and order the executor, administrator, or guardian to make a deed to the purchaser.

The deed shall be received in all courts as prima-facie evidence that the executor, administrator, or guardian in all respects observed the direction of the court, and complied with the requirements of the law, and shall convey the interest in the real estate directed to be sold by the court, and shall vest title to the interest in the purchaser as if conveyed by the deceased in his lifetime, or by the ward free from disability, and by the owners of the remaining interests in the real estate.

Effective Date: 01-01-1976