2127.19 Release of liens.

2127.19 Release of liens.

When an action to obtain authority to sell real estate is determined by the probate court, the probate judge shall make the necessary order for an entry of release and satisfaction of all mortgages and other liens upon the real estate except such mortgage as is assumed by the purchaser. The executor, administrator, or guardian shall thereupon enter such release and satisfaction, together with a memorandum of the title of the case, the character of the proceedings, and the volume and page of record where recorded, upon the record of such mortgage, judgment, or other lien in the office where it appears as matter of record. If the executor, administrator, or guardian fails to enter such release and satisfaction, the court may, on the application of an interested party, enter such release and satisfaction and tax in his cost bill the fee provided by law for entering such release and satisfaction, and a fee of twenty-five cents to the court.

Effective Date: 10-01-1953