2115.16 Hearing on inventory.

2115.16 Hearing on inventory.

Upon the filing of the inventory required by section 2115.02 of the Revised Code, the probate court forthwith shall set a day, not later than one month after the day the inventory was filed, for a hearing on the inventory.

The executor or administrator may serve notice of the hearing, or may cause the notice to be served, upon any person who is interested in the estate. The probate court, after notice to the executor or administrator, either upon the motion of any interested party for good cause shown or at its own instance, may order that notice of the hearing is to be served upon persons the court designates.

For good cause, the hearing may be continued for the time that the court considers reasonable. Exceptions to the inventory or to the allowance for support provided by section 2106.13 of the Revised Code may be filed at any time prior to five days before the date set for the hearing or the date to which the hearing has been continued by any person interested in the estate or in any of the property included in the inventory, but the time limit for the filing of exceptions shall not apply in case of fraud or concealment of assets. When exceptions are filed, notice of them and the time of the hearing on them forthwith shall be given to the executor or administrator and his attorney by certified mail or by personal service, unless the notice is waived. At the hearing, the executor or administrator and any witness may be examined under oath. The court shall enter its finding on the journal and tax the costs as may be equitable.

Effective Date: 06-23-1994