2101.09 Liability of sheriffs, coroners, and constables for failure to serve and return process.
2101.09 Liability of sheriffs, coroners, and constables for failure to serve and return process.
When required by the probate judge, sheriffs, coroners, and constables shall attend his court and serve and return process directed and delivered to them by such judge. No such officer shall neglect or refuse to serve and return such process. If such officer does neglect or refuse to serve and return such process, the judge shall issue a summons specifying the cause for amercement, directed to the officer, therein named, commanding him to summon the officer guilty of such misconduct to appear within two days after the service of summons and show cause why he should not be amerced. In addition to a fine, as provided by section 2101.99 of the Revised Code, to be paid into the county treasury, such officer and his sureties shall be liable upon his official bond for damages sustained by any person by reason of such officer’s misconduct.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953