1333.26 Notices to be posted.
1333.26 Notices to be posted.
All persons taking advantage of sections 1333.22 to 1333.28 of the Revised Code shall keep posted in a prominent place in their receiving office at all times two notices that shall read substantially as follows:
(A) “All articles that are cleaned, pressed, glazed, washed, altered, or repaired and that are not called for in one hundred twenty days will be sold to pay the requisite charges and certain notification expenses, given away, or otherwise disposed of. If the articles are not called for in one hundred eighty days, no notice will be given regarding the disposition of the articles.”
(B) “All articles that are stored by agreement and on which the requisite charges have not been paid for twelve months will be sold to pay the charges and certain notification expenses, given away, or otherwise disposed of.”
Effective Date: 07-22-1994