1155.13 Assessments and fees.
1155.13 Assessments and fees.
(A)(1) Each savings and loan association subject to inspection and examination by the superintendent of financial institutions and transacting business in this state as of the thirty-first day of December of the prior fiscal year, or the savings and loan association’s successor in interest, shall pay annual assessments to the superintendent as provided in this section.
(2) After determining the budget of the division of financial institutions for examination and regulation of savings and loan associations, but prior to establishing the annual assessment amount necessary to fund that budget, the superintendent shall include any amounts collected but not yet expended or encumbered by the superintendent in the previous fiscal year’s budget and remaining in the savings institutions fund from the amount to be assessed. Based upon the resulting budget amount and upon confirmation of the schedule of assessments by the savings and loan associations and savings banks board, the superintendent shall make an assessment upon each savings and loan association based on the total assets as shown on the books of the savings and loan association as of the thirty-first day of December of the previous fiscal year. The assessments shall be collected on an annual or periodic basis within the fiscal year, as determined by the superintendent.
(3) Annually and prior to making any assessment pursuant to division (A)(2) of this section, the superintendent shall present to the savings and loan associations and savings banks board for confirmation a schedule of the assessments to be billed savings and loan associations pursuant to division (A)(2) of this section.
(4) A savings and loan association authorized by the superintendent to commence business in the period between assessments shall pay the actual reasonable costs of the division’s examinations and visitations.
(B) Assessments and fees charged pursuant to this section shall be paid within fourteen days after receiving an invoice for payment of the assessment or fee.
Any assessment or fee collected is not refundable.
(C) The superintendent shall pay all assessments and fees charged pursuant to this section and all forfeitures required to be paid to the superintendent into the state treasury to the credit of the savings institutions fund established under section 1181.18 of the Revised Code.
(D) Any money deposited into the state treasury to the credit of the savings institutions fund, but not expended or encumbered by the superintendent to defray the costs of administering Chapters 1151. to 1157. of the Revised Code, shall remain in the savings institutions fund for expenditures by the superintendent in subsequent years in the administration of Chapters 1151. to 1157. of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 09-22-2000