1133.03 Superintendent of financial institutions examination and certification - recording articles.
1133.03 Superintendent of financial institutions examination and certification - recording articles.
Upon receipt of a copy of the articles of incorporation and accompanying documents, the superintendent of financial institutions shall give notice and make an examination as required by section 1113.03 of the Revised Code. The superintendent shall forward the articles and the superintendent’s certificate to the secretary of state and the incorporators in the manner provided in section 1113.03 of the Revised Code.
When such articles are recorded by the secretary of state, the incorporators, any other members designated in the articles, and their successors, shall, from the date of such recording, constitute a body corporate with perpetual succession, with the powers provided in section 1702.12 of the Revised Code. So far as consistent with this chapter, Chapter 1702. of the Revised Code shall apply to societies incorporated under this chapter.
Effective Date: 01-01-1997