151.40 Issuing obligations for paying costs of revitalization projects.
151.40 Issuing obligations for paying costs of revitalization projects.
(A) As used in this section:
(1) “Bond proceedings” includes any trust agreements, and any amendments or supplements to them, as authorized by this section.
(2) “Costs of revitalization projects” includes related direct administrative expenses and allocable portions of the direct costs of those projects of the department of development or the environmental protection agency.
(3) “Issuing authority” means the treasurer of state.
(4) “Obligations” means obligations as defined in section 151.01 of the Revised Code issued to pay the costs of projects for revitalization purposes as referred to in division (A)(2) of Section 2o of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution and division (A)(2) of Section 2q of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution.
(5) “Pledged liquor profits” means all receipts of the state representing the gross profit on the sale of spirituous liquor, as referred to in division (B)(4) of section 4301.10 of the Revised Code, after paying all costs and expenses of the division of liquor control and providing an adequate working capital reserve for the division of liquor control as provided in that division, but excluding the sum required by the second paragraph of section 4301.12 of the Revised Code, as it was in effect on May 2, 1980, to be paid into the state treasury.
(6) “Pledged receipts” means, as and to the extent provided in bond proceedings:
(a) Pledged liquor profits. The pledge of pledged liquor profits to obligations is subject to the priority of the pledge of those profits to obligations issued and to be issued pursuant to Chapter 166. of the Revised Code.
(b) Moneys accruing to the state from the lease, sale, or other disposition or use of revitalization projects or from the repayment, including any interest, of loans or advances made from net proceeds;
(c) Accrued interest received from the sale of obligations;
(d) Income from the investment of the special funds;
(e) Any gifts, grants, donations, or pledges, and receipts therefrom, available for the payment of debt service;
(f) Additional or any other specific revenues or receipts lawfully available to be pledged, and pledged, pursuant to further authorization by the general assembly, to the payment of debt service.
(B)(1) The issuing authority shall issue obligations of the state to pay costs of revitalization projects pursuant to division (B)(2) of Section 2o of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, division (B)(2) of Section 2q of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, section 151.01 of the Revised Code as applicable to this section, and this section. The issuing authority, upon the certification to it by the clean Ohio council of the amount of moneys needed in and for the purposes of the clean Ohio revitalization fund created by section 122.658 of the Revised Code, shall issue obligations in the amount determined by the issuing authority to be required for those purposes. Not more than four hundred million dollars principal amount of obligations issued under this section for revitalization purposes may be outstanding at any one time. Not more than fifty million dollars principal amount of obligations, plus the principal amount of obligations that in any prior fiscal year could have been, but were not issued within the fifty-million-dollar fiscal year limit, may be issued in any fiscal year.
(2) The provisions and authorizations in section 151.01 of the Revised Code apply to the obligations and the bond proceedings except as otherwise provided or provided for in those obligations and bond proceedings.
(C) Net proceeds of obligations shall be deposited in the clean Ohio revitalization fund created in section 122.658 of the Revised Code.
(D) There is hereby created the revitalization projects bond service fund, which shall be in the custody of the treasurer of state, but shall be separate and apart from and not a part of the state treasury. All money received by the state and required by the bond proceedings, consistent with section 151.01 of the Revised Code and this section, to be deposited, transferred, or credited to the bond service fund, and all other money transferred or allocated to or received for the purposes of that fund, shall be deposited and credited to the bond service fund, subject to any applicable provisions of the bond proceedings, but without necessity for any act of appropriation. During the period beginning with the date of the first issuance of obligations and continuing during the time that any obligations are outstanding in accordance with their terms, so long as moneys in the bond service fund are insufficient to pay debt service when due on those obligations payable from that fund, except the principal amounts of bond anticipation notes payable from the proceeds of renewal notes or bonds anticipated, and due in the particular fiscal year, a sufficient amount of pledged receipts is committed and, without necessity for further act of appropriation, shall be paid to the bond service fund for the purpose of paying that debt service when due.
(E) The issuing authority may pledge all, or such portion as the issuing authority determines, of the pledged receipts to the payment of the debt service charges on obligations issued under this section, and for the establishment and maintenance of any reserves, as provided in the bond proceedings, and make other provisions in the bond proceedings with respect to pledged receipts as authorized by this section, which provisions are controlling notwithstanding any other provisions of law pertaining to them.
(F) The issuing authority may covenant in the bond proceedings, and such covenants shall be controlling notwithstanding any other provision of law, that the state and applicable officers and state agencies, including the general assembly, so long as any obligations issued under this section are outstanding, shall maintain statutory authority for and cause to be charged and collected wholesale or retail prices for spirituous liquor sold by the state or its agents so that the available pledged receipts are sufficient in time and amount to meet debt service payable from pledged liquor profits and for the establishment and maintenance of any reserves and other requirements provided for in the bond proceedings.
(G) Obligations may be further secured, as determined by the issuing authority, by a trust agreement between the state and a corporate trustee, which may be any trust company or bank having a place of business within the state. Any trust agreement may contain the resolution or order authorizing the issuance of the obligations, any provisions that may be contained in any bond proceedings, and other provisions that are customary or appropriate in an agreement of that type, including, but not limited to:
(1) Maintenance of each pledge, trust agreement, or other instrument comprising part of the bond proceedings until the state has fully paid or provided for the payment of debt service on the obligations secured by it;
(2) In the event of default in any payments required to be made by the bond proceedings, enforcement of those payments or agreements by mandamus, the appointment of a receiver, suit in equity, action at law, or any combination of them;
(3) The rights and remedies of the holders or owners of obligations and of the trustee and provisions for protecting and enforcing them, including limitations on rights of individual holders and owners.
(H) The obligations shall not be general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of the state shall not be pledged to the payment of debt service on them. The holders or owners of the obligations shall have no right to have any moneys obligated or pledged for the payment of debt service except as provided in this section and in the applicable bond proceedings. The rights of the holders and owners to payment of debt service are limited to all or that portion of the pledged receipts, and those special funds, pledged to the payment of debt service pursuant to the bond proceedings in accordance with this section, and each obligation shall bear on its face a statement to that effect.
Amended by 128th General Assembly ch. 1, HB 2, § 101.01, eff. 7/1/2009.
Effective Date: 03-14-2003; 2006 HB699 03-29-2007; 2007 HB119 09-29-2007.