125.88 Governing bodies - powers.
125.88 Governing bodies - powers.
The governing body of any public authority, office, organization, or semiautonomous entity referred to in section 125.84 of the Revised Code may appropriate, authorize the expenditure of, obligate and expend funds for service charges or fees assessed by the department of administrative services for federal property acquired, retransferred, recaptured, reverted, or disposed of under sections 125.84 to 125.90 of the Revised Code and may accept federal personal property for redistribution in the state, and if accepted shall redistribute such property to any eligible class, division, or unit of government authorized by the department to acquire retransferable property and shall collect and reimburse the department for such departmental service charges as may be levied in connection with such retransfers; but those entities receiving property that may be or is to be retransferred or loaned, shall, as the department may require, be held accountable for the use of such property and for maintaining records thereof. Federal personal property transferred to a body politic and corporate or a political subdivision or transferred for use or redistribution by a public office or a district or regional or similar authority, for the purpose of complying with the applicable provisions of the rules promulgated by authority of section 5502.25 of the Revised Code, also may be loaned on a nonprofit basis, by assignment, to approved organized and supporting agencies and auxiliaries.
Effective Date: 10-29-1995