125.86 Approving or disapproving, and processing applications.
125.86 Approving or disapproving, and processing applications.
In conformance with the provisions of section 125.84 of the Revised Code, the department of administrative services shall: receive, approve or disapprove, and process applications from eligible entities which need and can utilize federal real and related personal property; make recommendations in conformance with state law and the policies, rules, and standards of affected departments, commissions, and boards of state government regarding such need and suitability for use of such property; and otherwise assist in conveying such property to such entities. The department, following conveyance, shall conduct such surveys, make such investigations and such inspections as may be necessary to determine whether transferees are utilizing such property in conformance with the reservations and restrictions contained in any federal or state document or federal instrument of conveyance and shall make reports and recommendations to the federal government for the purpose of reconveying such property for use to eligible applicants or for the purpose of recapturing such property for the United States.
Effective Date: 07-01-1983