122.041 Duties of director of development as to encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program.

122.041 Duties of director of development as to encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program.

The director of development shall do all of the following with regard to the encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program created under section 123.152 of the Revised Code:

(A) Conduct outreach, marketing, and recruitment of EDGE business enterprises, as defined in that section;

(B) Provide assistance to the department of administrative services, as needed, to certify new EDGE business enterprises and to train appropriate state agency staff;

(C) Provide business development services to EDGE business enterprises in the developmental and transitional stages of the program, including financial and bonding assistance and management and technical assistance;

(D) Develop a mentor program to bring businesses into a working relationship with EDGE business enterprises in a way that commercially benefits both entities and serves the purpose of the EDGE program;

(E) Not later than December 31, 2003, prepare and submit to the governor a detailed report outlining and evaluating the progress made in implementing the encouraging diversity, growth, and equity program;

(F) Establish processes by which an EDGE business enterprise may apply for contract assistance, financial and bonding assistance, management and technical assistance, and mentoring opportunities.

Effective Date: 09-26-2003