101.522 Contracts with private printers.

101.522 Contracts with private printers.

If the clerk of the senate or the clerk of the house of representatives contracts with a private printer outside the clerk’s office to print a document or class of documents, the clerk shall negotiate and agree with the printer upon those terms as are necessary and proper with respect to the printing job being contracted for. The terms are to include provisions with respect to:

(A) Composition of the document, reflecting means of effectively communicating the content of the document, subject to matters of composition prescribed by law, by rule of the senate or house of representatives, by joint rule of both houses, or by order of the senate or house of representatives;

(B) Method of printing to be used;

(C) Delivery to the clerk of proof sheets, return to the printer of corrected proofs, and making of corrections;

(D) Approximate quantity to be printed, reflecting the uses to which the document foreseeably is to be put, subject to matters of quantity prescribed by law, by rule of the senate or house of representatives, by joint rule of both houses, or by order of the senate or house of representatives;

(E) Deadlines;

(F) Compensation to be paid to the printer for services rendered and materials provided, and any liquidated damages to be charged against the printer for misfeasance or nonfeasance;

(G) Term of the contract, and

(H) Other matters as are necessary and proper for efficient, timely, and successful performance of the printing job.

Effective Date: 03-09-1999