61-24.6 Northwest Area Water Supply Project

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CHAPTER 61-24.6NORTHWEST AREA WATER SUPPLY PROJECT61-24.6-01. Findings and declaration of policy. It is hereby found and declared by thelegislative assembly that many areas and localities in northwestern North Dakota do not enjoy<br>safe drinking water, and that the water in these areas and localities contains iron, sulfates, alkali,<br>salt, nitrates, fluoride, and other hazardous and discoloring substances. It is also found and<br>declared that other areas and localities in northwestern North Dakota do not have sufficient<br>quantities of water to ensure a dependable, long-term supply. It is further found and declared<br>that supplementation of the water resources of northwestern North Dakota with water supplies<br>from the Missouri River, utilizing a pipeline transmission and delivery system, may be the only<br>alternative to provide northwestern North Dakota with a safe, good quality, dependable source,<br>and adequate quantity of water.It is further declared that effective development and utilization of the land and waterresources of this state; the opportunity for greater economic security; the protection of health,<br>property, enterprise, and the preservation of the benefits from the land and water resources of<br>this state; and the promotion of the prosperity and general welfare of all of the people of North<br>Dakota involve, necessitate, and require the exercise of the sovereign powers of the state and<br>concern a public purpose. Therefore, in order to accomplish this public purpose, it is hereby<br>declared necessary that a project be pursued that would supply and distribute water to the people<br>of northwestern North Dakota through a pipeline transmission and delivery system for purposes,<br>including domestic, rural water districts, municipal, livestock, light industrial, mining, and other<br>uses, with primary emphasis on domestic, rural water district, and municipal uses. In furtherance<br>of this public purpose, the state water commission may provide for the issuance of bonds in<br>accordance with chapter 61-02 to finance the costs of the project.The provisions of this chapter may not be construed to abrogate or limit the rights,powers, duties, and functions of the state water commission or the state engineer, but must be<br>considered supplementary to those rights, powers, duties, and functions.61-24.6-02.Northwest area water supply advisory committee - Created.Thenorthwest area water supply advisory committee consists of the following representatives,<br>appointed by the state engineer:1.One person from the city of Minot recommended by the Minot city council.2.One person from the city of Williston recommended by the Williston city council.3.One person from the Bottineau, Burke, Divide, McHenry, McLean, Mountrail, Pierce,<br>Renville, Ward, or Williams County water resource districts recommended jointly by<br>the governing boards of the Bottineau, Burke, Divide, McHenry, McLean, Mountrail,<br>Pierce, Renville, Ward, or Williams County water resource districts.4.One representative of the state water commission recommended by the<br>commission.5.One representative of the Three Affiliated Tribes, representing that area of the Fort<br>Berthold Indian Reservation north of the Missouri River and Lake Sakakawea<br>recommended by the tribal council.6.One representative of rural water distribution systems located in northwestern North<br>Dakota.This representative must be a resident of Bottineau, Burke, Divide,McHenry, McLean, Mountrail, Pierce, Renville, Ward, or Williams County.7.One representative of a municipality other than the city of Minot, located in<br>Bottineau, Burke, Divide, McHenry, McLean, Mountrail, Pierce, Renville, Ward, or<br>Williams County.Page No. 18.One representative of the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District recommended by<br>the board of directors of the conservancy district.9.One at-large representative.61-24.6-03.Advisory committee - Officers - Meetings - Compensation.Thenorthwest area water supply advisory committee shall elect a chairman and vice chairman. The<br>advisory committee shall meet at the times and places necessary to carry out the purposes of<br>this chapter.The advisory committee members may be reimbursed for their mileage andexpenses in the amount provided for by sections 44-08-04 and 54-06-09.The advisorycommittee members serve at the pleasure of the state engineer. Vacancies must be filled in the<br>same manner as original appointments are made.61-24.6-04.Powers of the state water commission in consultation with thenorthwest area water supply advisory committee.The state water commission may, inconsultation with the northwest area water supply advisory committee:1.Accept funds, property, services, or other assistance, financial or otherwise, from<br>federal, state, tribal, and other public or private sources for the purpose of aiding and<br>promoting the development of a project to deliver water to northwestern North<br>Dakota.2.Cooperate and contract with the state, its agencies, or its political subdivisions, the<br>Three Affiliated Tribes, or any agency of the United States, in research and<br>investigation or other activities promoting the development of a project to deliver<br>water to northwestern North Dakota.3.Appoint and procure the services of engineers, attorneys, and others to assist in<br>developing a project to deliver water to northwestern North Dakota.4.Exercise such other powers as may be necessary for, or incidental to, the<br>achievement of the purposes of this chapter.5.Construct, operate, and manage a project to deliver water throughout northwestern<br>North Dakota.61-24.6-05. State engineer - Employment of staff. The state engineer may employfull-time personnel and may employ such other personnel as are necessary for the administration<br>of this chapter and as available funds permit.Notwithstanding section 61-02-64.1, fundsdisbursed from the contract fund or appropriated for purposes of administering this chapter may<br>be used for salaries and expenses of persons employed pursuant to this chapter.61-24.6-06.Commission to fix water rates for the northwest area water supplyproject. The commission shall establish the payments for water service to be paid by water user<br>entities for purchase of water from the northwest area water supply project. The payments for<br>water service must include each water user entity's proportionate share of the operation,<br>maintenance, and replacement costs, and also include a component for payment for capital<br>costs. The commission shall include in its determination of each water user entity's share of<br>operation, maintenance, and replacement costs an amount to be deposited in the northwest area<br>water supply project reserve fund for replacement, as established by section 61-24.6-07, for<br>replacement and extraordinary maintenance of northwest area water supply project works. The<br>amount of the reserve fund for replacement must be determined by the commission.61-24.6-07. Operation and maintenance fund - Deposit - Use. Revenues received bythe commission from water user entities or otherwise for operation and maintenance of the<br>northwest area water supply project must be maintained, as a part of the moneys of the state<br>received and kept by the state treasurer in a fund to be designated as the northwest area water<br>supply project operation and maintenance fund. All moneys received by the state treasurer for<br>operation and maintenance of the northwest area water supply project and the interest onPage No. 2moneys in the fund must be kept by the state treasurer in the fund distinct from all other moneys<br>and must be disbursed by the state treasurer and used only for paying for costs and expenditures<br>for operation and maintenance of the northwest area water supply project.61-24.6-08. Reserve fund for replacement - Deposit - Use. Revenues received by thecommission from water user entities or otherwise for replacement and extraordinary<br>maintenance of the northwest area water supply project may be held pursuant to the terms of a<br>resolution or trust indenture adopted by the commission. Any money not held pursuant to the<br>terms of a resolution or trust indenture must be deposited by the commission and maintained, as<br>a part of the moneys of the state received and kept by the state treasurer, in a fund designated<br>as the northwest area water supply project reserve fund for replacement. All moneys received by<br>the state treasurer for replacement and extraordinary maintenance of the northwest area water<br>supply project and the interest on the moneys must be kept by the state treasurer in the fund<br>distinct from all other moneys and must be disbursed by the state treasurer and used only for<br>replacement and extraordinary maintenance of the northwest area water supply project.61-24.6-09. Capital costs - Deposit - Use. Money derived and received from wateruser entities or otherwise for capital costs or construction of the northwest area water supply<br>project may be held pursuant to the terms of a resolution or trust indenture adopted by the<br>commission. Any money not held pursuant to the terms of a resolution or trust indenture must be<br>deposited by the commission and maintained, as part of the moneys of the state received and<br>kept by the state treasurer, in a fund designated as the northwest area water supply project fund<br>for capital costs and construction. All moneys received by the state treasurer for capital costs<br>and construction of the northwest area water supply project, and all interest on the moneys, must<br>be kept by the state treasurer in the fund distinct from all other moneys and must be disbursed by<br>the state treasurer and used only for capital costs and construction of the northwest area water<br>supply project.61-24.6-10.Areas served by the northwest area water supply project.Thecommission may provide, as part of the northwest area water supply project, delivery,<br>distribution, and treatment of water from the Missouri River or other sources, to areas in<br>Bottineau, Burke, Divide, McHenry, McLean, Mountrail, Pierce, Renville, Ward, and Williams<br>Counties. The facilities for delivery of water may be from a pipeline transmission and delivery<br>system or through other works, as determined by the commission.Page No. 3Document Outlinechapter 61-24.6 northwest area water supply project