61-15 Water Conservation

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CHAPTER 61-15WATER CONSERVATION61-15-01. Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwiserequires:1.&quot;A navigable lake&quot; shall include any lake which shall have been meandered and its<br>metes and bounds established by the government of the United States in the survey<br>of public lands.2.&quot;Ordinary high watermark&quot; shall mean that line reached by water when the lake or<br>stream is ordinarily full and the water ordinarily high.61-15-02. Control of water and wildlife conservation projects vested in state. Byvirtue of its police power the state shall be vested with the control of navigable lakes which have<br>been meandered and their metes and bounds established by the government of the United<br>States in the survey of public lands, within the ordinary high watermark for the purpose of<br>constructing, maintaining, and operating dams, dikes, ditches, fills, spillways, or other structures<br>to promote the conservation, development, storage, distribution, and utilization of such water and<br>the propagation and preservation of wildlife.61-15-03. Water and wildlife conservation projects - Supervision. The authority,control, and supervision of all water and wildlife conservation projects and wildlife reservations<br>shall be vested in the state engineer. The state engineer may accept cooperation, aid, and<br>assistance from the United States of America, its instrumentalities or agencies, in the<br>construction, maintenance, and operation of any structure for the purposes set forth in this<br>chapter and may do any act necessary to make such aid, assistance, and cooperation from the<br>federal government available, and shall have the right to grant such easements to the United<br>States of America, its instrumentalities or agencies, as may be required.61-15-04.Easements to United States of America for water and wildlifeconservation.An easement may be granted to the United States, its instrumentalities oragencies, over all lands now owned or hereafter acquired by the state of North Dakota for rights<br>of way for ditches, dams, dikes, fills, spillways, or other structures now constructed or to be<br>constructed for the purpose of water or wildlife conservation.61-15-05. Recording or filing fees for documents required by United States or statefor water or wildlife conservation project. Repealed by S.L. 1947, ch. 189, </p> <BR></DIV><!-- /.col.one --><!-- /.col.two --></DIV><!-- /.col.main --></DIV><!-- /div id = content --> <BR class=clear></DIV> <!-- /div id = livearea --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.one --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.main --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#content --><BR class=clear> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#livearea --> <!-- Footer--> <DIV id=footer> <DIV class=container> <P class=copyright>Copyright &copy; 2012-2022 Laws9.Com All rights reserved. </P><!-- /.copyright --> <P class=footerlinks><A href="/contactus.html">Contact Us</A> | <A href="/aboutus.html">About Us</A> | <A href="/terms.html">Terms</A> | <A href="/privacy.html">Privacy</A></P><!-- /.footerlinks --> </DIV><!-- /.container --> </DIV><!-- /footer --> </BODY></HTML>