61-03 State Engineer

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CHAPTER 61-03STATE ENGINEER61-03-01. State engineer - Appointment - Qualifications - Term - Salary - Engagingin private practice. A state engineer shall be appointed by the state water commission. Such<br>engineer shall be a technically qualified and experienced hydraulic engineer and also shall be an<br>experienced irrigation engineer. The state engineer shall serve as secretary and chief engineer<br>of the commission. Such engineer shall hold the office for such term as the commission may<br>determine, and the commission shall fix the state engineer's salary and shall allow the state<br>engineer's actual and necessary traveling expenses while away from the office in the discharge<br>of official duties. The state engineer shall not engage in private practice but shall devote all of<br>the state engineer's time to the duties and requirements of the office.61-03-02. Oath of state engineer. Before entering upon the duties of office, the stateengineer shall take the oath prescribed for civil officers.61-03-03. Auditing of claims. All claims for services rendered, expenses incurred, ormaterials or supplies furnished under direction of the state engineer and which are payable from<br>the funds appropriated for the prosecution of the work under the state engineer's direction and<br>supervision shall be approved by the state engineer.61-03-04.Biennial report.The state engineer may submit a biennial report to thegovernor and the secretary of state in accordance with section 54-06-04.61-03-05. Fees of state engineer. The state engineer shall be paid and receive thefollowing fees to be collected in advance and shall be paid by the state engineer into the general<br>fund of the state treasury:1.Repealed by S.L. 1977, ch. 569, </p> <BR></DIV><!-- /.col.one --><!-- /.col.two --></DIV><!-- /.col.main --></DIV><!-- /div id = content --> <BR class=clear></DIV> <!-- /div id = livearea --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.one --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.main --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#content --><BR class=clear> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#livearea --> <!-- Footer--> <DIV id=footer> <DIV class=container> <P class=copyright>Copyright &copy; 2012-2022 Laws9.Com All rights reserved. </P><!-- /.copyright --> <P class=footerlinks><A href="/contactus.html">Contact Us</A> | <A href="/aboutus.html">About Us</A> | <A href="/terms.html">Terms</A> | <A href="/privacy.html">Privacy</A></P><!-- /.footerlinks --> </DIV><!-- /.container --> </DIV><!-- /footer --> </BODY></HTML>