58-04 Township Meetings and Elections

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CHAPTER 58-04TOWNSHIP MEETINGS AND ELECTIONS58-04-01.Annual township meeting - When held - Change in meeting place -Notice. The electors of each township annually shall assemble and hold a township meeting on<br>the third Tuesday in March at such place in the township or in an adjacent township as the board<br>of township supervisors thereof shall designate. Notice of the time and place of holding the<br>meeting must be given by the township clerk at least ten days prior to the meeting by publication<br>in a legal newspaper published in the township or, if there is no such newspaper, then in the<br>county's official newspaper.Before a change in the place of holding the annual townshipmeeting is made, notice of the contemplated change may be given by any member of the board<br>of township supervisors to the township clerk, who shall have such change published if time<br>allows. Otherwise, the township clerk shall post notice of the change. Where an incorporated<br>city is wholly or partially within the boundaries of the township or an adjacent township, all<br>township meetings may be held in such place within such incorporated city, as the board of<br>township supervisors thereof may designate.58-04-02. Special meetings - When held. A special township meeting may be held forthe purpose of electing township officers to fill vacancies that occur, to authorize expansion of the<br>board of township supervisors from three to five members, or for the purpose of transacting other<br>lawful township business whenever the supervisors or township clerk, or any two of them, or<br>twenty percent of the freeholders of the township, shall file in the office of the township clerk a<br>written statement that a special meeting is necessary or whenever a special meeting is required<br>by any other provision of the laws of this state.58-04-02.1. Expansion of membership of the board of township supervisors. At theannual township meeting or a special meeting, the electors of the township may approve<br>expansion of the board of township supervisors from three to five members. At the first annual<br>meeting after a special meeting at which the expansion is authorized, or at the annual meeting at<br>which the expansion is authorized, the electors of the township shall elect three members of the<br>board of township supervisors. Two of the members of the board elected under this section must<br>be elected for three-year terms and one supervisor must be elected for a two-year term.<br>Thereafter, terms of office of members of the board of township supervisors will be as provided in<br>section 58-05-02.58-04-03. Clerk to give notice of special meeting. Each township clerk with whom astatement provided for in section 58-04-02 is filed shall record the same and shall cause notice of<br>the special meeting to be published at least ten days before the meeting in a legal newspaper<br>published in the township or, if there is no such newspaper, then in the county's official<br>newspaper.58-04-04. What notice of special meeting must specify - Business transacted atmeeting limited. Each notice given for a special meeting must specify the purpose for which it<br>is to be held. No business other than that specified in the notice may be transacted at such<br>meeting. If vacancies in office are to be filled at the meeting, the notice must specify in what<br>offices the vacancies exist, how they occurred, who was the last incumbent, and when the term<br>of each office expires.58-04-05. Organization of annual or special meetings. The qualified electors presenton the day of the annual or special meeting must be called to order by the township clerk, or, if<br>the township clerk is not present, the qualified electors may elect by acclamation one of their<br>number to act as chairman for the purpose of calling the meeting to order and to act as clerk after<br>the selection of a moderator. The qualified electors shall elect by acclamation three of their<br>number as judges, and such judges must be sworn and shall act as the judges of the<br>qualifications of the qualified electors of the township. The qualified electors shall proceed to<br>choose one of their number to preside as moderator of the meeting. The township clerk, if<br>present, or in the township clerk's absence, the clerk of the meeting, shall keep full minutes of its<br>proceedings in which must be entered at length every order, direction, rule, and regulation madePage No. 1by the meeting. Meeting and voting hours of an annual or special meeting are optional with the<br>township board, provided proper notice is given under the provisions of this chapter.Thepositions of moderator, clerk, and the three judges must be separate and distinct positions and<br>no such positions may be held by the same person. The moderator, clerk, and the three judges<br>each may be entitled to a salary of no more than fifteen dollars per day for each day actually<br>expended in the performance of their duties. Such salary must be paid out of township funds<br>made available for such purpose. However, in those townships in which the offices of township<br>clerk and treasurer have been merged, the person holding such office shall receive<br>compensation as provided by law as township treasurer only and may not receive additional<br>compensation for duties as clerk.58-04-06. Duty of moderator - Reconsideration of vote - Majority vote required. Atthe opening of each meeting, the moderator shall state the business to be transacted and the<br>order in which it must be entertained. A proposition to vote a tax may not be acted on out of the<br>order of business as stated by the moderator. A proposition to reconsider a vote may not be<br>entertained at any meeting unless the proposition is made within one hour from the time the vote<br>was taken or unless the motion for the reconsideration is sustained by a number of electors equal<br>to a majority of all the names entered upon the poll list at the election up to the time the motion is<br>made. All questions upon motions made at township meetings must be determined by a majority<br>of the electors voting. The moderator shall ascertain and declare the result of the vote on each<br>question.58-04-07. Proclamation of opening and closing polls. Before the electors proceed toelect any township officer, the moderator shall proclaim the opening of the polls, and<br>proclamation in like manner must be made of any adjournment and of the opening and closing of<br>the polls until the election is ended.58-04-08.Who are voters at township meetings.A person may not vote at anytownship meeting unless that person is qualified to vote at general elections therein.58-04-09. Challenge to voter - Duty of judges. If any person offering to vote at anyelection or upon any question arising at a township meeting is challenged as unqualified using<br>the criteria provided in section 16.1-05-06, the judges shall proceed in the manner in which<br>judges at a general election are required to proceed, adapting the affidavit described in section<br>16.1-05-06 to the circumstances of the township meeting.58-04-10. Officers to be elected by ballot. The supervisors, treasurer, and clerk ineach township must be elected by ballot. All other officers, if not otherwise provided by law, must<br>be chosen either by yeas and nays or by a division as the electors determine.58-04-11. Names of all candidates to be on one ballot. When the electors vote byballot, all the candidates voted for must be named on one ballot, which must contain, written or<br>printed or partly written and partly printed, the names of the persons voted for and the offices to<br>which such persons are intended to be chosen.58-04-12. Judges to deposit ballots. When the election is by ballot, the marked ballotmust be delivered to one of the judges so folded as to conceal its contents, and the judges shall<br>deposit the ballots in a box provided for that purpose.58-04-13. Poll list kept by clerk. When the election is by ballot, a poll list on whichmust be entered the name of each person whose vote is received shall be kept by the clerk of the<br>meeting.58-04-14. Judges to canvass the votes - Manner of canvassing - Declaration ofelection. At the close of every election by ballot, the judges shall proceed publicly to canvass<br>the votes, which canvass when commenced must continue without adjournment or interruption<br>until the same is completed. The canvass must be conducted by taking one ballot at a time from<br>the ballot box and counting until the number of ballots is equal to the number of names on the<br>poll list, and if there are any left in the box, they must be destroyed immediately. If on thePage No. 2opening of the ballots, two or more ballots are found to be so folded that it is apparent that the<br>same person voted them, the board shall destroy such unlawful ballots immediately. The person<br>having the greatest number of votes for an office must be declared elected.58-04-15. Tie vote - How determined. If two or more persons have an equal and thehighest number of votes for an office, the judges of election, immediately and publicly, shall<br>determine by a drawing of names who of such persons shall be declared elected. A candidate<br>involved in a tie vote may withdraw the candidate's name from consideration if the candidate is<br>willing to sign a statement to that effect in the presence of and witnessed by the filing officer of<br>the election. If no candidates remain, the office is to be filled according to the rules for filling an<br>office when a vacancy exists.58-04-16. Result of canvass to be announced - Notice to voters. When the canvassis completed, the clerk shall enter at length in the minutes of the meeting kept by the clerk, as<br>required in section 58-04-05, a statement of the result of the election which must be read publicly<br>by the clerk to the meeting, and such reading must be deemed notice of the result of the election<br>to every person whose name is entered on the poll list as a voter.58-04-17.Minutes to be filed.The minutes of the proceedings of each townshipmeeting, subscribed by the clerk and judges of the meeting, must be filed in the office of the<br>township clerk within two days after the meeting.58-04-18.Township clerk to notify officers elected.The clerk of the townshipmeeting, immediately after the votes are canvassed, shall transmit a notice of election to each<br>person elected to any township office.58-04-19.Special meeting when officers not elected at annual meeting.If atownship meeting is not held for the purpose of organizing and electing its officers at the time<br>fixed by law for holding the annual township meeting, a special township meeting for that purpose<br>must be called by the township clerk. Such meeting must be held within the township or in an<br>adjacent township. If notice of such meeting is not given by the clerk within ten days, any three<br>electors of the township may call such meeting. Notices setting forth the time, place, and object<br>of the meeting must be published at least five days prior to the meeting in a legal newspaper<br>published in the township or, if there is no such newspaper, then in the county's official<br>newspaper. The electors, when assembled by virtue of such notice, shall possess all the powers<br>conferred upon electors at the regular annual township meeting.58-04-20. When board of county commissioners may designate township officers -Powers and duties of appointed officers. If notice of a township meeting is not given under<br>section 58-04-19 within thirty days after the time set by law for the holding of the annual township<br>meeting, the board of county commissioners of the county in which the township is located shall<br>appoint the necessary township officers. Such appointment must be made upon the filing in the<br>office of the county auditor of an affidavit of a freeholder of the township setting forth the facts.<br>The persons appointed by the board shall hold their respective offices until their successors are<br>elected and qualified.Page No. 3Document Outlinechapter 58-04 township meetings and elections