55-01 State Historical Society

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TITLE 55STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND STATE PARKSCHAPTER 55-01STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY55-01-00.1. Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:1.&quot;Artifact&quot; means an item that is produced, shaped, used, or selected by humans.2.&quot;Board&quot; means the state historical board.3.&quot;Collections&quot; means artifacts or documents acquired and preserved because of the<br>potential value of the artifacts or documents as examples, reference material, or<br>objects of aesthetic or educational importance.4.&quot;Director&quot; means the chief executive and administrative officer of the state historical<br>society.5.&quot;Society&quot; means the state historical society of North Dakota.55-01-01. State historical board. The board consists of twelve members, seven ofwhom are appointed by the governor. Each member appointed to the board must be a citizen<br>and resident of the state. Appointments are for a term of three years from the first day of July to<br>the thirtieth day of June of the third year or until a successor has been appointed and qualified.<br>Vacancies occurring other than by the expiration of an appointive term must be filled by<br>appointment for the remainder of the term only in the same manner as regular appointments.<br>The remaining five members of the board are the secretary of state, director of the parks and<br>recreation department, director of the department of transportation, commissioner of commerce,<br>and state treasurer, each of whom may appoint a designee to attend meetings with full voting<br>privileges. The board shall select from its membership a president, vice president, and secretary<br>to serve as officers of the board.55-01-01.1. State historical society. The state historical society of North Dakota iscreated as an agency of the executive branch which is under the supervision and control of the<br>board.55-01-02. State historical board - Powers - Limitations. The board may:1.Faithfully expend and apply all money received from the state to the uses and<br>purposes directed by law.2.Hold all present and future historical collections and property of the society for the<br>state.3.Dispose of or transfer any articles in the collections it deems appropriate. However,<br>the board may not make any disposal or transfer before hearing an assessment of<br>any proposed disposal or transfer by the director of the state historical society.<br>Disposal or transfer is to be by any appropriate means, including sale or exchange.<br>The proceeds from the sale of articles must be deposited in the state treasury in a<br>special revolving fund. All moneys in the fund are appropriated on a continuing<br>basis for the purchase and care of other items for the collections. Unless other<br>conditions are specified in a deed or gift, a reasonable attempt must be made to<br>return articles to the original donor before disposal by any other means.4.Permit withdrawal from its collections and property of any articles needed for<br>exhibition purposes under rules prescribed by the board.Page No. 15.Permit the withdrawal of books and collections from the library and museum<br>temporarily under rules prescribed by the board.6.Select and appoint a director to carry out the policies and directives of the board.7.Acquire in behalf of the state of North Dakota lands, materials, and easements for<br>historical purposes by lease, purchase, or gift.8.Set aside for historical purposes all lands owned by the state and not held or<br>acquired for some other purpose.9.Administer all lands, materials, and easements held for historical purposes as<br>trustees for the state.10.Administer all lands, materials, and easements held for historical purposes as an<br>agent of the national park service, bureau of reclamation, corps of engineers, or any<br>other division of federal, state, or local government.11.Establish standards by the adoption of rules to create classes of membership in the<br>society, to determine the qualifications of any class of membership, to set forth the<br>fees for membership, and to provide for membership benefits.The board may not sell, mortgage, transfer, or dispose of any of its collections or property except<br>as authorized by law.55-01-02.1.Society to have jurisdiction over heritage center.The society hasjurisdiction over the administration and operations of the North Dakota heritage center building.<br>The director of the office of management and budget is responsible for maintenance of the<br>heritage center building. The society shall maintain the collections displayed and stored at the<br>heritage center and shall provide, or arrange, for the security of those collections.55-01-03.Meetings - When held - Quorum - Compensation and expenses ofmembers. The board shall meet at the call of the president not less than every three months<br>and seven members constitute a quorum. The members of the board not appointed by the<br>governor may receive no additional compensation for service upon the board but must be paid<br>their expenses when engaged in the discharge of their official duties as members of the board, in<br>the same manner and amounts as other state officers are paid, from funds appropriated to the<br>society.55-01-04.Acceptance of gifts, grants, devises, bequests, donations, andassignments - Deposited with the state treasurer - How expended. The society may only<br>receive and accept any grant, devise, bequest, donation, gift, or assignment of money, bonds,<br>choses in action, or any property for any purpose consistent with the statutory responsibilities of<br>the society. The society must receive and accept the same, and the right and title thereto, in the<br>name of the state. All moneys coming into the hands of the society as donations, gifts, grants,<br>and bequests, unless by the terms of the donation, gift, grant, or bequest the moneys are<br>required to be maintained in another manner, must be maintained within the state treasury. All<br>rent, interest, or income from land, money, or property received by the society by donation, gift,<br>grant, or bequest must also be maintained within the state treasury unless by the terms of<br>acquisition the moneys are required to be maintained in a different manner. The moneys must<br>be paid out for the purposes prescribed by the donor as authorized by the board by<br>warrant-check prepared by the office of management and budget.55-01-05.Land acquired for historical purposes - Title - Placed in custody ofcounty historical societies. When land is contributed or purchased for historical purposes, the<br>title must vest in the state of North Dakota. The land may be placed in the custody of the county<br>historical societies of the respective counties in which the sites are located and may be improved<br>and used for the accumulation and care of relics of historical interest. When it appears that the<br>use and purpose of the land is a matter of primarily local or regional interest, the state historicalPage No. 2society may, upon such terms, conditions, and consideration as the state historical board may<br>require, transfer and convey the land to a political subdivision or nonprofit corporation where the<br>interest lay.55-01-06. Historical collections - Loan to county historical societies - Preservation.When historical collections or materials are contributed or purchased by the state, they must be<br>placed in the custody of the society, and those of a local historical nature may be loaned to the<br>county historical societies when proper provision has been made for their care and preservation<br>and when the county historical society is duly organized and affiliated as provided in section<br>11-11-53.55-01-07. Claims incurred by society - How paid. All bills or claims against the state,arising by reason of expenditures authorized by the society for the purposes provided by law,<br>must be submitted on vouchers to the office of the budget for approval and paid by warrant-check<br>prepared by the office of management and budget.55-01-08.Appropriation for maintenance of Roosevelt cabin - Authorization totransfer cabin to national park service. Repealed by S.L. 2001, ch. 503, </p> <BR></DIV><!-- /.col.one --><!-- /.col.two --></DIV><!-- /.col.main --></DIV><!-- /div id = content --> <BR class=clear></DIV> <!-- /div id = livearea --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.one --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /.col.main --> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#content --><BR class=clear> <DIV></DIV><!-- /#livearea --> <!-- Footer--> <DIV id=footer> <DIV class=container> <P class=copyright>Copyright &copy; 2012-2022 Laws9.Com All rights reserved. </P><!-- /.copyright --> <P class=footerlinks><A href="/contactus.html">Contact Us</A> | <A href="/aboutus.html">About Us</A> | <A href="/terms.html">Terms</A> | <A href="/privacy.html">Privacy</A></P><!-- /.footerlinks --> </DIV><!-- /.container --> </DIV><!-- /footer --> </BODY></HTML>