54-54 Council on the Arts
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performances, musical concerts, operas, dance and ballet recitals, art exhibits, examples of fine
architecture, and the performing and fine arts generally. It is further found that, with increasing
leisure time, the practice and enjoyment of the arts are of increasing importance and that the
general welfare of the people of the state will be promoted by giving further recognition to the arts
as a vital aspect of our culture and heritage and as a valued means of expanding the scope of
our educational programs.It is declared to be the policy of the state to join with private patrons and with institutionsand professional organizations concerned with the arts to ensure that the role of the arts in the
life of our communities will continue to grow and will play an evermore significant part in the
welfare and educational experience of our citizens.54-54-02. Council - Members - Appointment. The North Dakota council on the artsconsists of nine members, broadly representative of all fields of the performing and fine arts, who
are to be appointed by the governor as provided in this chapter, from among the citizens of the
state who are widely known for their competence and experience in connection with the
performing and fine arts. In making these appointments, due consideration must be given to the
recommendations made by representative civic, educational, and professional associations and
groups, concerned with or engaged in the production or presentation of the performing and fine
arts generally.54-54-03. Term of office - Filling vacancies - Chairman - Vice chairman - Expenses.The term of office of each member is five years; provided, however, that of the members first
appointed after August 1, 1995, three must be appointed for terms of two years, three for terms
of three years, and three for terms of five years. If a vacancy to be filled occurs otherwise than
by the expiration of the term of office of a member of the council, the appointment must be made
for the balance of the term only. Other than the chairman, no member of the council who serves
a full five-year term is eligible for reappointment during a one-year period following the expiration
of the term. The governor shall designate a chairman and a vice chairman from the members of
the council who shall serve at the pleasure of the governor. The chairman is the chief executive
officer of the council. The members of the council may not receive any compensation for their
services, but must be reimbursed for their travel expenses in the same manner and at the same
rates as provided by law for other state officials for necessary travel in the performance of their
duties as members of the council.54-54-04. Other employees - Appointment - Compensation. The chairman with theapproval of the council may employ such officers, experts, and other employees as may be
needed to carry out the provisions of this chapter. The executive director shall serve at the
pleasure of the chairman and the chairman shall fix the compensation of the executive director.54-54-05. Duties of council. The duties of the council are:1.To stimulate and encourage throughout the state the study and presentation of the
performing and fine arts and public interest and participation therein.2.To make such surveys as may be deemed advisable of public and private
institutions engaged within the state in artistic and cultural activities, including but not
limited to, music, theater, dance, painting, sculpture, architecture, and allied arts and
crafts, and to make recommendations concerning appropriate methods to
encourage participation in and appreciation of the arts to meet the legitimate needs
and aspirations of persons in all parts of the state.Page No. 13.To take such steps as may be necessary and appropriate to encourage public
interest in the cultural heritage of our state and to expand the state's cultural
resources.4.To encourage and assist freedom of artistic expression essential for the well-being
of the arts.5.To determine the artistic value of property as provided by section 1-08-04.1.54-54-06.Hearings - Contracts - Gifts.The council is hereby authorized andempowered to hold public hearings, to enter into contracts, within the limit of funds available
therefor, with individuals, organizations, and institutions for services furthering the educational
objectives of the council's programs; to enter into contracts, within the limit of funds available
therefor, with local and regional associations for joint endeavors furthering the educational
objectives of the council's programs; to accept gifts, contributions, and bequests of unrestricted
funds from individuals, foundations, corporations, limited liability companies, and other
organizations or institutions for the purpose of furthering the educational objectives of the
council's programs; to make and sign any agreements; and to do and perform any acts that may
be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.The council may request and mayreceive from any department, division, board, bureau, commission, or agency of the state such
information and data as will enable it to properly carry out its powers and duties.54-54-07. Funds from national foundation on the arts. The council is the officialagency of this state to receive and disburse any funds made available by the national foundation
on the arts.54-54-08. Legislative intent relating to state funds. Repealed by S.L. 1971, ch. 520,